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Top level | res incorporea Short Extended |
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Taxonomic list |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
67112 | 10127 |
res incorporea
immaterial entity
5897 | 10134 |
spatium anatomicum T2 1059 children
anatomical space
67552 | 10177 |
cavitas anatomica
anatomical cavity
12237 | 10572 |
cavitas organi T3 33 children
cavity of organ
24021 | 13865 |
cavitas ossis T4 5 children
cavity of bone
314947 | 13866 |
cavitas intraossea
intraosseous cavity
83698 | 296 |
cavitas medullaris
medullar cavity
9608 | 4862 | part | ||||
24023 | 18192 |
cavitas medullaris ossis longi
medullar cavity of long bone
314728 | 18193 |
cavitas medullaris ossis cranii
medullar cavity of bone of cranium
58246 | 13867 |
cavitas globi oculi
cavity of eyeball
17745 | 3183 | part |
cavitas uteri ♀
uterine cavity ♀
18191 |
lumen organi T4 9 children
lumen of organ
9398 | 13871 |
lumen oesophagi
lumen of oesophagus
17608 | 13872 |
lumen ureteris
lumen of ureter
19709 | 13873 |
lumen urethrae
lumen of urethra
19711 | 13876 |
lumen urethrae femininae ♀
lumen of female urethra ♀
19710 | 13875 |
lumen urethrae masculinae ♂
lumen of male urethra ♂
19982 | 13874 |
lumen vaginae ♀
lumen of vagina ♀
85378 | 13878 |
lumen ductus lacrimalis
lumen of lacrimal duct
79843 | 13879 |
lumen labyrinthi membranacei
lumen of membranous labyrinth
60079 | 13880 |
lumen tubae auditivae
lumen of auditory tube
15924 | 13870 |
cavitas vesicae urinariae
cavity of urinary bladder
77744 | 13796 |
sulcus spiralis
spiral sulcus
77850 | 7358 | part |
sulcus spiralis internus
inner spiral sulcus
19857 | 3285 | part |
sinus epididymidis ♂
sinus of epididymis ♂
11349 | 16534 |
cavitas sacci serosi
cavity of serous pouch
9740 | 17897 | part |
cavitas pleuralis
pleural cavity
11350 | 17898 | part |
cavitas pericardiaca
pericardial cavity
14704 | 3448 | part |
cavitas peritonealis
peritoneal cavity
55660 | 2371 | part |
cavitas dentis ; cavitas pulparis
pulp cavity; pulpary cavity
9337 | 10573 |
divisio cavitatis organi T3 101 children
subdivision of cavity of organ
14151 | 14809 |
divisio cavitatis camerae cardiacae
subdivision of cavity of cardiac chamber
13246 | 3655 | part |
sinus venarum cavarum
sinus of venae cavae; sinus venarum
242261 | 19871 |
divisio cavitatis neuraxis T4 16 children
subdivision of cavity of neuraxis
78446 | 15976 |
divisio cavitatis ventriculi quarti
subdivision of cavity of fourth ventricle
78470 | 5562 | part |
recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti
lateral recess of fourth ventricle
78486 | 5547 | part |
fossa rhomboidea ventriculi quarti
rhomboid fossa of fourth ventricle ; floor of fourth ventricle
78485 | 5548 | part |
sulcus medianus ventriculi quarti
median groove of fourth ventricle
78496 | 5569 | part |
sulcus limitans ventriculi quarti
limiting groove of fourth ventricle
242695 | 16631 |
divisio cavitatis ventriculi lateralis
subdivision of cavity of lateral ventricle
78444 | 16632 |
divisio cavitatis ventriculi tertii
subdivision of cavity of third ventricle
78458 | 5793 | part |
recessus pinealis
pineal recess
78457 | 5791 | part |
recessus suprapinealis
suprapineal recess
78465 | 5800 | part |
sulcus hypothalamicus
hypothalamic groove
78456 | 5795 | part |
recessus infundibularis ; recessus infundibuli neurohypophysis
infundibular recess
78455 | 5796 | part |
recessus supraopticus
supraoptic recess
62945 | 16049 |
divisio laminae vaginae
subdivision of layer of vagina
62947 | 2557 | part |
foveola gastrica gastris
gastric foveola of stomach
9336 | 16199 |
cavitas divisionis sacci serosi T4 49 children
cavity of subdivision of serous pouch
20863 | 16203 |
divisio cavitatis pleuralis
subdivision of pleural cavity
14093 | 16204 |
fissura pulmonalis
pulmonary fissure
7441 | 2984 | part |
fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri
horizontal fissure of right lung
7331 | 2983 |
fissura obliqua pulmonis
oblique fissure of lung
7439 | 16161 | part |
fissura obliqua pulmonis dextri
oblique fissure of right lung
7440 | 16162 | part |
fissura obliqua pulmonis sinistri
oblique fissure of left lung
9743 | 3025 | part |
recessus pleuralis
pleural recess
11355 | 3026 | part |
recessus costodiaphragmaticus
costodiaphragmatic recess
9747 | 3027 | part |
recessus costomediastinalis
costomediastinal recess
14705 | 16535 |
divisio cavitatis pericardiacae
subdivision of pericardial cavity
77132 | 17899 | part |
sinus transversus pericardii
transverse sinus of pericardium
77133 | 17900 | part |
sinus obliquus pericardii
oblique sinus of pericardium
14706 | 16548 |
divisio cavitatis peritonealis
subdivision of peritoneal cavity
20680 | 16549 |
divisio cavitatis bursae omentalis
subdivision of cavity of omental bursa
21293 | 3488 | part |
vestibulum bursae omentalis
vestibule of omental bursa
14708 | 3489 | part |
recessus superior bursae omentalis
superior recess of omental bursa
14709 | 3490 | part |
recessus inferior bursae omentalis
inferior recess of omental bursa
14710 | 3491 | part |
recessus splenicus bursae omentalis ; recessus lienalis
splenic recess of omental bursa
20679 | 16586 |
divisio cavitatis superior bursae omentalis
superior subdivision of cavity of omental bursa
14631 | 16589 |
recessus duodenalis
duodenal recess
77105 | 3495 | part |
recessus duodenalis superior
superior duodenal fossa
77106 | 3497 | part |
recessus duodenalis inferior
inferior duodenal fossa
14634 | 3499 | part |
(recessus paraduodenalis )
(paraduodenal recess )
14635 | 3500 | part |
(recessus retroduodenalis )
(retroduodenal recess )
14642 | 3501 | part |
recessus intersigmoideus
intersigmoid recess
14638 | 16593 |
recessus ileocaecalis
ileocaecal recess
14639 | 3502 | part |
recessus ileocaecalis superior
superior ileocaecal recess ▲
14640 | 3504 | part |
recessus ileocaecalis inferior
inferior ileocaecal recess ▲
14641 | 3506 | part |
recessus retrocaecalis
retrocaecal recess ▲
20612 | 16595 |
spatium fossae peritonealis
space of peritoneal fossa
14719 | 3508 | part |
sulcus paracolicus
paracolic gutter
16546 | 3521 | part |
fossa paravesicalis
paravesical fossa
19749 | 3533 | part |
fossa pararectalis
pararectal fossa
20681 | 16597 |
divisio spatii supracolici
subdivision of supracolic space
14712 | 3509 | part |
recessus subphrenicus
subphrenic recess
20676 | 3510 | part |
recessus subhepaticus
subhepatic space
14715 | 3511 | part |
recessus hepatorenalis
hepatorenal recess
20922 | 16602 |
divisio partis pelvicae cavitatis peritonealis
subdivision of pelvic part of peritoneal cavity
14729 | 3523 | part |
excavatio vesicouterina ♀
vesicouterine pouch ♀
14728 | 3531 | part |
excavatio rectouterina ♀
rectouterine pouch ♀
14727 | 3532 | part |
excavatio rectovesicalis ♂
rectovesical pouch ♂
55667 | 16863 |
divisio cavitatis dentis
subdivision of pulp cavity
55674 | 2373 | part |
canalis radicis dentis
root canal; pulp canal
57169 | 16864 |
camera cavitatis dentis
chamber of pulp cavity
57174 | 16876 |
divisio camerae cavitatis dentis
subdivision of chamber of pulp cavity
55668 | 2372 | part |
cavitas coronae dentis
pulp cavity of crown
13341 |
lamina membranae tympanicae
layer of tympanic membrane
14080 | part |
recessus supratubarius
supratubal recess
14082 | part |
recessus subtensorius
subtensor recess
14086 | part |
recessus caroticocochlearis
caroticocochlear recess
76929 | 7228 | part |
recessus membranae tympanicae
recess of tympanic membrane
76930 | 7229 | part |
recessus anterior membranae tympanicae
anterior recess of tympanic membrane
76931 | 7230 | part |
recessus superior membranae tympanicae
superior recess of tympanic membrane
76932 | 7231 | part |
recessus posterior membranae tympanicae
posterior recess of tympanic membrane
76584 | 2650 | part |
sinus analis
anal sinus ; rectal sinus; anal crypt
24034 | 10574 |
cavitas partis organi T3 61 children
cavity of part of organ
61874 | 6099 | part |
cavum septi pellucidi
cave of septum pellucidum
56461 | 594 | part |
cavitas tympani
tympanic cavity of temporal bone
58376 | 8193 | part |
divisio cavitatis tympani
subdivision of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
56717 | 7165 | part |
recessus epitympanicus ; pars epitympanica
epitympanic recess ; epitympanum
14633 |
divisio recessus epitympanici
subdivision of epitympanic recess
77690 | 7166 | part |
pars cupularis recessus epitympanici
cupular part of epitympanic recess
56714 | 8196 | part |
cavitas tympanica propria ; pars mesotympanica
proper tympanic cavity ; mesotympanum
57787 | 8199 | part |
recessus hypotympanicus ; pars hypotympanica
hypotympanic recess ; hypotympanum
14059↓ | part |
recessus retrotympanicus ; pars retrotympanica
retrotympanic recess ; retrotympanum
77733 | 7187↓ | part |
sinus tympanicus posterior ; sinus tympani posterior
posterior tympanic sinus
14078↓ | part |
sinus facialis
facial sinus
14079↓ | part |
sinus tympanicus lateralis ; sinus tympani lateralis
lateral tympanic sinus
76936 | 7255 | part |
recessus sphericus ; recessus saccularis
spherical recess ; saccular recess
76937 | 7256 | part |
recessus cochlearis
cochlear recess
77696 | 7175↓ | part |
sinus tympanicus ; sinus tympani
tympanic sinus
14070 | part |
sinus subtympanicus
subtympanic sinus
77745 | 7300 | part |
spatium perilymphaticum
perilymphatic space
76933 | 3028 | part |
recessus phrenicomediastinalis
phrenicomediastinal recess
76934 | 3029 | part |
recessus vertebromediastinalis
vertebromediastinal recess
77172 | 1471 | part |
recessus sacciformis articulationis cubiti
sacciform recess of elbow joint
40048 | 1474 | part |
recessus sacciformis articulationis radioulnaris distalis
sacciform recess of distal radioulnar joint
326669 | 3270 | part |
lacuna urethralis urethrae femininae ♀
urethral lacuna of female urethra ♀
77823 | 7305 | part |
spatium endolymphaticum
endolymphatic space
59594 | 10575 |
cavitas divisionis partis principalis corporis humani T3 33 children
cavity of subdivision of cardinal body part
59640 | 11253 |
divisio cavitatis nasalis osseae
subdivision of bony nasal cavity
59734 | 398 | part |
recessus sphenoethmoidalis
sphenoethmoidal recess
53146 | 11254 |
meatus nasalis osseus
osseous nasal meatus
393 | part |
meatus nasi superior
superior nasal meatus
394 | part |
meatus nasi medius
middle nasal meatus
395 | part |
meatus nasi inferior
inferior nasal meatus
397 | part |
meatus nasi communis
common nasal meatus
59644 | 2790 | part |
vestibulum nasi
nasal vestibule
75740 | 390 | part |
cavitas nasalis ossea
bony nasal cavity
61464 | 163 | part |
fossa axillaris regionis thoracici
axillary fossa of thoracic region
54378 | 2782 | part |
cavitas nasi
nasal cavity
20292 | 2277 | part |
cavitas oris; cavitas ostii oralis
oral cavity
20293 | 22528 |
divisio cavitatis oris
subdivision of oral cavity
49182 | 2294 | part |
cavitas oris propria
proper oral cavity
49183 | 2279 | part |
vestibulum oris; vestibulum ostii oralis
oral vestibule
55019 | 2438 | part |
61088 | 7116 | part |
cavitas conchae
cavity of concha
17445 | 10576 |
cavitas systematis organorum
cavity of system of organs
54363 | 10577 |
cavitas divisionis systematis organorum
cavity of subdivision of system of organs
54377 | 10578 |
divisio cavitatis divisionis systematis organorum T3 8 children
subdivision of cavity of subdivision of system of organs
9682 | 352 | part |
fossa cranii anterior
anterior cranial fossa
54369 | 353 | part |
fossa cranii media
middle cranial fossa
54710 | 11049 |
divisio fossae cranii mediae
subdivision of middle cranial fossa
54721 | 498 | part |
fossa hypophysialis ossis sphenoidalis
hypophysial fossa of sphenoid
54368 | 354 | part |
fossa cranii posterior
posterior cranial fossa
54390 | 386 | part |
fossa sacci lacrimalis
fossa of lacrimal pouch
259328 | 10579 |
cavitas textus
cavity of tissue
20192 | 10580 |
19970 | 3243 | part |
vestibulum vaginae ♀
vestibule of vagina ♀ ; vaginal vestibule ♀
20341 | 10581 |
divisio vestibuli vaginae
subdivision of vestibule of vagina
74904 | 17720 |
fossa vestibularis
vestibular fossa
19992 | 3244 | part |
fossa vestibuli vaginae ♀
vestibular fossa ♀
67133 | 10582 |
cavitas cellulae
cavity of cell
279957 | 10583 |
spatium complexus anatomici
space of anatomical complex
16526 | part |
cavitas trunci
cavity of trunk
84926 | 93 | part |
84953 | 10801 |
spatium compartimenti capitis T3 342 children
space of compartment of head
84961 | 372 | part |
cavitas orbitalis
orbital cavity
9644 | 316 | part |
cavitas cranii
cranial cavity
84964 | 2506 | part |
spatium peripharyngeum
peripharyngeal space
55080 | 2507 | part |
spatium retropharyngeum
retropharyngeal space
84967 | 2508 | part |
spatium lateropharyngeum ; spatium parapharyngeum
lateropharyngeal space ; parapharyngeal space
84970 | 535 | part |
fossa pterygoidea ossis sphenoidalis
pterygoid fossa of sphenoid
84973 | 536 | part |
fossa scaphoidea ossis sphenoidalis
scaphoid fossa of sphenoid
84881 | 13530 |
zona spatii subarachnoidei
zone of subarachnoid space
83717 | 12007 |
cisterna subarachnoidea
subarachnoid cistern
5111 | part |
cisterna subarachnoidea cranialis T4 46 children
cranial subarachnoid cistern
7739 | part |
cisterna infratentoria
infratentorial cistern ; posterior fossa cistern
7740 | part |
cisterna basalis caudalis
caudal basal cistern
7741 | part |
cisterna premedullaris
premedullary cistern
83719 | 7743 | part |
cisterna prepontina
prepontine cistern
83718 | 5116 | part |
cisterna interpeduncularis
interpeduncular cistern
7744 | part |
cisterna lateralis caudalis
caudal lateral cistern
83722 | 5113 | part |
cisterna cerebellomedullaris lateralis
lateral cerebellomedullary cistern
83725 | 5119 | part |
cisterna cerebellopontina
cerebellopontine cistern
7745 | part |
cisterna meatus acustici interni
cistern of internal acoustic meatus
74511 | 5117 | part |
cisterna ambiens
ambient cistern
7746 | part |
cisterna dorsalis caudalis
caudal dorsal cistern
83721 | 5112 | part |
cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior ; cisterna magna
posterior cerebellomedullary cistern ; cisterna magna
7747 | part |
cisterna cerebellaris superior
superior cerebellar cistern
7748 | part |
cisterna supratentoria
supratentorial cistern
7750 | part |
cisterna basalis rostralis
rostral basal cistern
7751 | part |
cisterna hypophysialis
hypophysial cistern
74515 | 5115 | part |
cisterna chiasmatica
chiasmatic cistern
74516 | 5120 | part |
cisterna laminae terminalis
cistern of lamina terminalis
7756 | part |
cisterna lateralis rostralis
rostral lateral cistern
7757 | part |
cisterna carotica
carotid cistern
7759 | part |
cisterna olfactoria
olfactory cistern
87723 | 5114 | part |
cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri
cistern of lateral cerebral fossa
7760 | part |
cisterna valleculae cerebri
cistern of cerebral vallecula ; cistern of vallecula of brain
7761 | part |
cisterna sulci centralis hemispherii cerebri
cistern of central groove of cerebral hemisphere of cerebral hemisphere
7762 | part |
cisterna dorsalis rostralis
rostral dorsal cistern
74511 | 5121 | part |
cisterna quadrigeminalis ; cisterna venae cerebri magnae
quadrigeminal cistern ; cistern of great cerebral vein
7763 | part |
cisterna veli interpositi
cistern of velum interpositum
83724 | 5118 | part |
cisterna pericallosa
pericallosal cistern
83720 | 5123 | part |
cisterna lumbalis
lumbar cistern
75136 | 13532 |
fissura subarachnoidea T4 42 children
subarachnoid fissure
83727 | 5976 | part |
fissura longitudinalis cerebri
longitudinal cerebral fissure
74512 | 6114 | part |
fissura choroidea ventriculi lateralis
choroid fissure of lateral ventricle
83734 | 5267 | part |
fissura mediana anterior rhombencephali caudalis ; fissura mediana ventralis rhombencephali caudalis
anterior median fissure of caudal rhombencephalon ; ventral median fissure of caudal rhombencephalon
83735 | 5144 | part |
fissura mediana anterior medullae spinalis ; fissura mediana ventralis medullae spinalis
anterior median fissure of spinal cord ; ventral median fissure of spinal cord
11724 |
fissura cerebelli
fissure of cerebellum
8267 | part |
fissura cerebellomesencephalica
cerebellomesencephalic fissure
8269 | part |
fissura cerebellopontina
cerebellopontine fissure
8270 | part |
fissura cerebellomedullaris
cerebellomedullary fissure
5687 | part |
fissura interlobaris cerebelli
interlobar fissure of cerebellum
83729 | 5716 | part |
fissura prima cerebelli; fissura preclivalis cerebelli
primary fissure of cerebellum ; preclival fissure of cerebellum
83730 | 5739 | part |
fissura posterolateralis cerebelli
posterolateral fissure of cerebellum
8281 | part |
fissura lobi anterioris cerebelli
fissure of anterior lobe of cerebellum
83731 | 5701 | part |
fissura precentralis cerebelli ; fissura postlingularis cerebelli
precentral fissure of cerebellum ; postlingular fissure of cerebellum
83736 | 5708 | part |
fissura postcentralis cerebelli ; fissura preculminalis cerebelli
postcentral fissure of cerebellum ; preculminate fissure of cerebellum
83737 | 5711 | part |
fissura intraculminalis cerebelli
intraculminate fissure of cerebellum
9038 | part |
fissura lobi posterioris cerebelli
fissure of posterior lobe of cerebellum
84043 | 5736 | part |
fissura secundaria cerebelli ; fissura postpyramidalis cerebelli
secondary fissure of cerebellum ; postpyramidal fissure of cerebellum
83733 | 5721 | part |
fissura posterior superior cerebelli ; fissura postclivalis cerebelli
superior posterior fissure of cerebellum ; postclival fissure of cerebellum
75135 | 5725 | part |
fissura horizontalis cerebelli ; fissura intercruralis cerebelli
horizontal fissure of cerebellum ; intercrural fissure of cerebellum
75137 | 5727 | part |
fissura lunogracilis cerebelli ; fissura ansoparamediana cerebelli
lunogracile fissure of cerebellum ; ansoparamedian fissure of cerebellum
75138 | 5730 | part |
fissura prebiventralis cerebelli ; fissura prepyramidalis cerebelli
prebiventral fissure of cerebellum ; prepyramidal fissure of cerebellum
75139 | 5734 | part |
fissura intrabiventralis cerebelli
intrabiventral fissure of cerebellum
83738 | 13533 |
incisura subarachnoidea T4 4 children
subarachnoid notch
74524 | 5097 | part |
incisura tentorii cerebelli
tentorial notch
83739 | 5990 | part |
incisura preoccipitalis hemispherii cerebri
preoccipital notch of cerebral hemisphere
75759 | 13534 |
sulcus subarachnoideus T4 197 children
subarachnoid groove
327491 | 5975 | part |
sulcus cerebri
cerebral groove
13176 | part |
sulcus interlobaris
interlobar groove
5983 | part |
sulcus interlobaris superolateralis
superolateral interlobar groove
83752 | 5984 | part |
sulcus centralis hemispherii cerebri
central groove of cerebral hemisphere
77801 | 5985 | part |
sulcus lateralis hemispherii cerebri
lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
83761 | 5986 | part |
ramus posterior sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
posterior branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
83759 | 5987 | part |
ramus ascendens sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
ascending branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
83760 | 5988 | part |
ramus anterior sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
anterior branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
83754 | 5989 | part |
sulcus parietooccipitalis hemispherii cerebri
parietooccipital groove of cerebral hemisphere
9115 | part |
sulcus interlobaris inferomedialis
inferomedial interlobar groove
83743 | 6038 | part |
sulcus corporis callosi
groove of corpus callosum
83748 | 6039 | part |
sulcus cingularis ; sulcus cinguli
cingulate groove ; sulcus of girdle
83773 | 6040 | part |
ramus marginalis ; sulcus marginalis
marginal branch ; marginal groove
83777 | 6041 | part |
sulcus subparietalis
subparietal groove
83751 | 6042 | part |
sulcus collateralis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis
collateral groove ; medial occipitotemporal groove
11592 |
sulcus lobi frontalis
groove of frontal lobe
83758 | 8780↓ | part |
sulcus diagonalis
diagonal groove
8659↓ | part |
sulcus frontomarginalis lobi frontalis
frontomarginal groove of frontal lobe
83755 | 6003 | part |
sulcus frontalis superior
superior frontal groove
83757 | 5998 | part |
sulcus frontalis inferior
inferior frontal groove
83800 | 6001 | part |
sulcus precentralis
precentral groove
83765 | 8667↓ | part |
sulcus subcentralis anterior
anterior subcentral groove
83778 | 8668↓ | part |
sulcus subcentralis posterior
posterior subcentral groove
83769 | 6055 | part |
sulcus olfactorius
olfactory groove
83770 | 6053↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis
orbital groove
8679↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis lateralis
lateral orbital groove
83771 | 8680↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis transversus
transverse orbital groove
8681↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis medialis
medial orbital groove
83782 | 6044 | part |
sulcus paracentralis
paracentral groove
6051 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius
paraolfactory groove
83744 | 8673 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius anterior
anterior paraolfactory groove
83745 | 8674 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius posterior
posterior paraolfactory groove
327489 | 12001 |
sulcus lobi parietalis
groove of parietal lobe
83772 | 6008↓ | part |
sulcus intraparietalis lobi parietalis
intraparietal groove of parietal lobe
8781↓ | part |
sulcus intermedius primus ; sulcus intermedius anterior
first intermediate groove ; anterior intermediate groove
8782↓ | part |
sulcus intermedius secundus ; sulcus intermedius posterior
second intermediate groove ; posterior intermediate groove
83774 | 6010 | part |
sulcus postcentralis
postcentral groove
9122↓ | part |
sulcus parietalis transversus
transverse parietal groove
327490 | 12002 |
sulcus lobi occipitalis
groove of occipital lobe
83788 | 6015 | part |
sulcus lunatus
lunate groove
83786 | 6016 | part |
sulcus occipitalis transversus
transverse occipital groove
83749 | 6061 | part |
sulcus calcarinus
calcarine groove
12000 |
sulcus lobi temporalis
groove of temporal lobe
83784 | 6028 | part |
sulcus temporalis inferior
inferior temporal groove
83783 | 6026 | part |
sulcus temporalis superior
superior temporal groove
83782 | 6025 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus
transverse temporal groove
8711 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior
anterior transverse temporal groove
8712 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius
intermediate transverse temporal groove
74518 | 6065 | part |
sulcus occipitotemporalis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis
occipitotemporal groove ; lateral occipitotemporal groove
8713 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior
posterior transverse temporal groove
11581 |
sulcus insulae
groove of islet
83779 | 6034 | part |
sulcus centralis superior insulae
superior central groove of islet
83753 | 6035 | part |
sulcus circularis insulae ; sulcus periinsularis
circular groove of islet ; periinsular groove
11574 |
sulcus lobi limbici
groove of limbic lobe
83728 | 6074 | part |
sulcus fimbriodentatus
fimbriodentate groove
83747 | 6072 | part |
sulcus hippocampalis
hippocampal groove
8756↓ | part |
sulcus intrarhinalis
intrarhinal groove
83746 | 6076 | part |
sulcus rhinalis
rhinal groove
8735↓ | part |
sulcus semianularis
semianular groove
12004 |
sulcus diencephali
groove of diencephalon
78466 | 5767 | part |
sulcus habenulae ; sulcus habenularis
groove of habenula
12003 |
sulcus mesencephali
groove of mesencephalon
83792 | 5574 | part |
sulcus nervi oculomotorii
oculomotor sulcus
11597 |
sulcus rhombencephali
groove of rhombencephalon
83793 | 5424 | part |
sulcus bulbopontinus
medullopontine sulcus
83794 | 5425 | part |
sulcus basilaris
basilar groove
75608 | 5278 | part |
sulcus posterolateralis rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus dorsolateralis rhombencephali caudalis
posterolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; dorsolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon
83795 | 5286 | part |
sulcus medianus posterior rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus medianus dorsalis rhombencephali caudalis
posterior median groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; dorsal median groove of caudal rhombencephalon
83796 | 5276 | part |
sulcus retroolivaris rhombencephali caudalis
retroolivary groove of caudal rhombencephalon
83797 | 5271 | part |
sulcus anterolateralis rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus ventrolateralis rhombencephali caudalis
anterolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; ventrolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon
74582 | 5272 | part |
sulcus preolivaris rhombencephali caudalis
preolivary groove of caudal rhombencephalon
12005 |
sulcus medullae spinalis
groove of spinal cord
79877 | 5147 | part |
sulcus anterolateralis medullae spinalis ; sulcus ventrolateralis medullae spinalis
anterolateral groove of spinal cord ; ventrolateral groove of spinal cord
75609 | 5148 | part |
sulcus posterolateralis medullae spinalis ; sulcus dorsolateralis medullae spinalis
posterolateral groove of spinal cord ; dorsolateral groove of spinal cord
83798 | 5145 | part |
sulcus medianus posterior medullae spinalis ; sulcus medianus dorsalis medullae spinalis
posterior median groove of spinal cord ; dorsal median groove of spinal cord
83799 | 5149 | part |
sulcus intermedius posterior medullae spinalis ; sulcus intermedius dorsalis medullae spinalis
posterior intermediate groove of spinal cord ; dorsal intermediate groove of spinal cord
83769 | 2792 | part |
sulcus olfactorius nasi
olfactory groove of nose
75760 | 494 | part |
sulcus chiasmaticus ossis sphenoidalis
chiasmatic sulcus of sphenoid ; prechiasmatic sulcus
75761 | 530 | part |
sulcus tubae auditivae ossis sphenoidalis ; sulcus tubae auditoriae
sulcus of auditory tube
83802 | 13535 |
fossa subarachnoidea
subarachnoid fossa
75267 | 5690 | part |
vallecula cerebelli
vallecula of cerebellum
284459 | 13538 |
zona fissurae longitudinalis cerebri
zone of longitudinal cerebral fissure
266089 | 13537 |
spatium intertrabeculare subarachnoideum
subarachnoid intertrabecular space
266087 | 13536 |
spatium granulationis arachnoideae
space of arachnoid granulation
83803 | 5101↓ | part |
(spatium subdurale )
(subdural space )
296638 | 5100 | part |
cavum trigeminale
trigeminal cave ; trigeminal cave
322211 | 7815 |
compartimentum supratentoriale
supratentorial compartment
322212 | 7816 |
compartimentum infratentoriale
infratentorial compartment
321644 | 5102↓ |
(spatium epidurale durae matris cranialis; spatium extradurale durae matris cranialis )
(epidural space of cranial dura mater ; extradural space of cranial dura mater )
314945 | 13524 |
spatium sinus cranii T4 14 children
space of sinus of cranium
57417 | 450 | part |
sinus frontalis
frontal sinus
59679 | 2815 | part |
sinus paranasalis
paranasal sinus
54683 | 505 | part |
sinus sphenoidalis
sphenoidal sinus
57715 | 678 | part |
sinus maxillaris
maxillary sinus
84115 | 2819 | part |
cellula ethmoidalis
ethmoidal cell
57452 | 629 | part |
cellula ethmoidalis anterior
anterior ethmoidal cell
57453 | 630 | part |
cellula ethmoidalis media
middle ethmoidal cell
57454 | 631 | part |
cellula ethmoidalis posterior
posterior ethmoidal cell
326090 | 7779 |
spatium subpiale
subpial space
71945 | 6945 | part |
spatium anguli iridocornealis
space of iridocorneal angle
84954 | 13583 |
spatium compartimenti cervicis
space of compartment of neck
55263 | 2893 | part |
cavitas laryngis
laryngeal cavity
85005 | 13584 |
spatium compartimenti trunci T3 15 children
space of compartment of trunk
85007 | 15985 |
divisio cavitatis corporis
subdivision of cavity of body
7565 | 887 | part |
cavitas thoracis
thoracic cavity
79192 | 16532 |
divisio cavitatis thoracis
subdivision of thoracic cavity
85019 | 16533 |
divisio spatii mediastinalis
subdivision of mediastinal space
12267 | 3441 | part |
cavitas abdominopelvica
abdominopelvic cavity
12266 | 3442 | part |
cavitas abdominis; cavitas abdominalis
abdominal cavity
259185 | 16536 |
divisio cavitatis abdominis
subdivision of abdominal cavity
9738 | 1080 | part |
cavitas pelvis; cavitas pelvina
pelvic cavity
14730 | 3444 | part |
spatium extraperitoneale
extraperitoneal space
15080 | 3445 | part |
spatium retroperitoneale
retroperitoneal space
22060 | 3446 | part |
spatium retropubicum
retropubic space
74031 | 3447 | part |
spatium retroinguinale
retroinguinal space
22062 | 16573 | part |
spatium perineale superficiale
superficial perineal space
22061 | 16574 | part |
spatium perineale profundum
investing perineal space
12243 | 892 | part |
spatium intercostale
intercostal space
85178 | 13585 |
spatium compartimenti membri superioris
space of compartment of upper limb
85179 | 13586 |
spatium compartimenti membri inferioris
space of compartment of lower limb
17555 | 12006 |
spatium interstitiale T3 12 children
interstitial space
19657 | 3377 | part |
caverna corporis cavernosi penis ♂
cavernous space of cavernous body of penis ♂
19658 | 3378 | part |
caverna corporis spongiosi penis ♂
cavernous space of corpus spongiosum of penis ♂
58985 | 7035 | part |
spatium episclerale
episcleral space
58450 | 6916 | part |
spatium perichoroideum
perichoroid space
58982 | 7015 | part |
spatium zonulare lentis
zonular space of lens
58979 | 7022 | part |
spatium retrozonulare
retrozonular space
322833 | 2151 | part |
lacuna musculorum
muscular space
322834 | 2152 | part |
lacuna vasorum
vascular space
279762 | 22886 |
spatium columnae vertebralis
space of vertebral column
71230 | 5104 | part |
spatium epidurale durae matris spinalis ; spatium peridurale durae matris spinalis
epidural space of spinal dura mater ; peridural space of spinal dura mater
15611 | 3045 | part |
sinus renalis
renal sinus
329311 | 17877 |
divisio cavitatis orbitalis
subdivision of orbital cavity
59402 | 7092 | part |
lacus lacrimalis
lacus lacrimalis; lacrimal lake
1615 | part |
spatium interosseum metatarsi T3 14 children
intermetatarsal space
17611 | part |
spatium intermetatarsale articulationis intermetatarsalis 1-2
intermetatarsal space of intermetatarsal joint 1-2
17612 | part |
spatium intermetatarsale articulationis intermetatarsalis 2-3
intermetatarsal space of intermetatarsal joint 2-3
17613 | part |
spatium intermetatarsale articulationis intermetatarsalis 3-4
intermetatarsal space of intermetatarsal joint 3-4
17614 | part |
spatium intermetatarsale articulationis intermetatarsalis 4-5
intermetatarsal space of intermetatarsal joint 4-5
321484 | 1502 | part |
spatia interossea metacarpi T3 8 children
interosseous metacarpal space
17508 | part |
spatium interosseum metacarpale 2-3
metacarpal interosseous space 2-3
17509 | part |
spatium interosseum metacarpale 3-4
metacarpal interosseous space 3-4
57490 | 2398 | part |
alveolus dentalis
tooth socket
9338 | 10180 |
spatium canalis anatomici T3 351 children
anatomical conduit space
53165 | 10909 |
spatium canalis cranii
space of cranial canal
54809 | 359↓ | part |
foramen lacerum basis cranii
lacerum foramen of cranial base
399 | part |
meatus nasopharyngeus
nasopharyngeal meatus
400 | part |
choana ; apertura nasalis posterior
choana ; posterior nasal opening
17045↓ |
foramen incorporeum
immaterial foramen
75306 | 454 | part |
foramen magnum
foramen magnum
75352 | 7297 | part |
foramen singulare
singular foramen
75304 | 300 |
foramen nutricium
nutrient foramen
75350 | 5268 | part |
foramen caecum medullae oblongatae
foramen caecum of medulla oblongata ▲
13479 | 788 | part |
foramen vertebrale T4 27 children
vertebral foramen
13480 | 20926 |
foramen vertebrale cervicale
cervical vertebral foramen
24293 | 10659 | part |
foramen vertebrale atlantis
vertebral foramen of atlas
24294 | 10666 | part |
foramen vertebrale axis
vertebral foramen of axis
24295 | 10679 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
vertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra
24296 | 13292 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quartae
vertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra
24297 | 13308 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quintae
vertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra
24298 | 13329 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis sextae
vertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra
24299 | 15017 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae prominentis
vertebral foramen of vertebra prominens
9143 | 21143 |
foramen vertebrale thoracicum
thoracic vertebral foramen
13481 | 14998 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae primae
vertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra
13482 | 21474 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae secundae
vertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra
13483 | 21530 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
vertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra
13484 | 21810 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quartae
vertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra
13485 | 21586 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quintae
vertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra
13486 | 21866 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae sextae
vertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra
13487 | 21642 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae septimae
vertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra
13488 | 21922 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae octavae
vertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra
13489 | 21698 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae nonae
vertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra
13490 | 21978 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae decimae
vertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra
13491 | 21754 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
vertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra
13492 | 22034 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
vertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra
24826 | 21144 |
foramen vertebrale lumbale
lumbar vertebral foramen
24827 | 22090 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis primae
vertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra
24828 | 22150 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis secundae
vertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra
24829 | 22210 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
vertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra
24830 | 22270 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quartae
vertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra
24831 | 22330 | part |
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quintae
vertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra
16999 | 1036 | part |
foramen obturatum
obturator foramen
23997 | 797 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis T4 21 children
transverse foramen of cervical vertebra
23998 | 10658 | part |
foramen transversarium atlantis
transverse foramen of atlas
23999 | 13270 | part |
foramen transversarium axis
transverse foramen of axis
24300 | 10687 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
transverse foramen of third cervical vertebra
24303 | 10693 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis quartae
transverse foramen of fourth cervical vertebra
24306 | 10699 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis quintae
transverse foramen of fifth cervical vertebra
24309 | 10704 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis sextae
transverse foramen of sixth cervical vertebra
24312 | 10707 | part |
foramen transversarium vertebrae prominentis
transverse foramen of vertebra prominens
14711 | 3487 | part |
foramen omentale ; foramen epiploicum
omental foramen ; epiploic foramen
10143 | 1425 | part |
foramen costotransversarium T4 38 children
costotransverse foramen
10146 | 10478 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae primae
costotransverse foramen of first rib
10162 | 10484 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae secundae
costotransverse foramen of second rib
10183 | 14118 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae tertiae
costotransverse foramen of third rib
10204 | 14119 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae quartae
costotransverse foramen of fourth rib
10225 | 14120 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae quintae
costotransverse foramen of fifth rib
10246 | 14121 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae sextae
costotransverse foramen of sixth rib
10267 | 14122 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae septimae
costotransverse foramen of seventh rib
10288 | 14123 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae octavae
costotransverse foramen of eighth rib
10309 | 14124 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae nonae
costotransverse foramen of ninth rib
10330 | 14125 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae decimae
costotransverse foramen of tenth rib
10351 | 14126 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae undecimae
costotransverse foramen of eleventh rib
10369 | 14127 | part |
foramen costotransversarium costae duodecimae
costotransverse foramen of twelfth rib
75347 | 2835 | part |
(foramen thyroideum )
(thyroid foramen )
17031 | 1525 | part |
foramen ischiadicum majus
greater sciatic foramen
17035 | 1526 | part |
foramen ischiadicum minus
lesser sciatic foramen
75351 | 5789 | part |
foramen interventriculare
interventricular foramen
75346 | 838 | part |
foramen intervertebrale ossis sacri
intervertebral foramen of sacrum
73355 | 839 | part |
foramen sacrale anterius
anterior sacral foramen
842 | part |
foramen sacrale posterius
posterior sacral foramen
57159 | 2374 | part |
foramen apicis cuspidis dentis
apical foramen
16828 | part |
foramen physiologicum
physiologic foramen
16829 | part |
foramen anatomicum
anatomical foramen
86464 | 6077 | part |
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
54935 | 2461 | part |
cavitas pharyngis
cavity of pharynx
57479 | 16080 |
divisio regionis superficiei mucosae viscerocranialis
subdivision of region of surface of viscerocranial mucosa
54999 | 2476 | part |
recessus pharyngeus
pharyngeal recess
55308 | 18023 |
divisio cavitatis laryngis
subdivision of laryngeal cavity
55404 | 18024 |
divisio partis supraglotticae laryngis
subdivision of supraglottic part of larynx
55406 | 2899 | part |
vestibulum laryngis
laryngeal vestibule
64167 | 18025 |
divisio vestibuli laryngis
subdivision of laryngeal vestibule
55405 | 2894 | part |
aditus laryngis
laryngeal inlet
55311 | 2910 | part |
cavitas infraglottica
infraglottic cavity
54373 | 369 | part |
canalis vomerovaginalis basis cranii externae
vomerovaginal canal of external surface of cranial base
54374 | 370 | part |
canalis vomerorostralis basis cranii externae
vomerorostral canal of external surface of cranial base
3724 | 10912 |
apertura anatomica T4 181 children
anatomical opening
13439 | 14807 |
apertura venae
opening of vein
13249 | 3647 | part |
foramen venarum cardiacarum minimarum ; ostium venarum cardiacarum minimarum
opening of smallest cardiac veins
9241 | 3652 | part |
ostium sinus coronarii
opening of coronary sinus
9239 | 3653 | part |
ostium venae cavae inferioris
opening of inferior vena cava
9238 | 3654 | part |
ostium venae cavae superioris
opening of superior vena cava
59365 | 7094 | part |
punctum lacrimale
lacrimal punctum
54978 | 13863 |
apertura tubae auditivae
opening of auditory tube
54980 | 7235 | part |
ostium tympanicum tubae auditivae ; ostium tympanicum tubae auditoriae
tympanic opening of auditory tube
54979 | 2470 | part |
ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae ; ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
242766 | 15975 |
apertura ventriculi quarti
opening of fourth ventricle
75015 | 5567 | part |
apertura mediana ventriculi quarti
median opening of fourth ventricle
78473 | 5563 | part |
apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti
lateral opening of fourth ventricle
56913 | 7170 | part |
fenestra vestibuli; fenestra ovalis
vestibular window ; oval window
56932 | 7176 | part |
fenestra cochlearis ; fenestra rotunda
cochlear window ; round window
59806 | 2280 | part |
rima oris
oral fissure; oral opening
58767 | 2157 | part |
hiatus saphenus
saphenous opening
58784 | 2149 | part |
hiatus adductorius
adductor hiatus
77263 | 2155 | part |
anulus femoralis
femoral ring
61275 | 7289 | part |
9474 | 14857 |
apertura junctionis
opening of junction
9299 | 3668 | part |
ostium trunci pulmonalis
opening of pulmonary trunk
9350 | 3695 | part |
ostium aortae
opening of aorta; aortic orifice
13881 | 14858 |
apertura atrioventricularis
atrioventricular opening
9335 | 3687 | part |
ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum
left atrioventricular orifice
9274 | 3661 | part |
ostium atrioventriculare dextrum
right atrioventricular opening
59645 | 2783 | part |
7812 | part |
foramen diaphragmatis sellae
foramen of sellar diaphragm
19930 | 1896 | part |
anulus umbilicalis
umbilical ring
58291 | 15322 |
spatium nominis tertii
space of third word
58288 | 1865 | part |
hiatus aorticus
aortic hiatus
58289 | 1866 | part |
hiatus oesophagealis
oesophageal hiatus ▲
58290 | 1869 | part |
foramen venae cavae
caval foramen; caval opening
15306 | part |
hiatus splanchnicus diaphragmatis
hiatus for thoracic splanchnic nerves
15758 | 2673 | part |
porta hepatis
porta hepatis
14563 | 16050 |
apertura gastris
opening of stomach
77190 | 2533 | part |
ostium cardiacum
cardiac opening ; cardiac orifice
14565 | 2543 | part |
ostium pyloricum
pyloric opening ; pyloric orifice
57836 | 16183 |
7330 | 2977 | part |
hilum pulmonis
hilum of lung
15610 | 3044 | part |
hilum renale ; hilum renis
hilum of kidney
18652 | 3146 | part |
hilum ovarii ♀
hilum of ovary ♀
15646 | 3565 | part |
hilum glandulae suprarenalis
hilum of suprarenal gland
15841 | 4886 | part |
hilum splenicum ; hilum lienale
splenic hilum
3071 | part |
foramen papillare pyramidis renalis
opening of papillary ducts; papillary foramen
77047 | 3137 | part |
ostium ureteris
ureteric orifice
326635 | 16316 |
ostium urethrae
opening of urethra
19650 | 16473 |
ostium externum urethrae
external opening of urethra
85265 | 3413 | part |
ostium urethrae masculinae externum ♂ ; meatus urethrae externus ♂
external urethral orifice ♂; external urethral meatus ♂
85266 | 3261 | part |
ostium urethrae femininae externum ♀ ; meatus urethrae femininae externus ♀
external urethral orifice ♀; external urethral meatus ♀
85263 | 16474 |
ostium internum urethrae
internal opening of urethra
15938 | 3138 | part |
ostium urethrae masculinae internum ♂ ; meatus urethrae masculinae internus ♂
male internal urethral orifice ♂; male internal urethral meatus ♂
77075 | 3384 | part |
ostium internum accipiens urethrae masculinae ♂
filling internal opening of male urethra ♂
77077 | 3385 | part |
ostium internum evacuans urethrae masculinae ♂
emptying internal opening of male urethra ♂
85264 | 11201 | part |
ostium urethrae femininae internum ♀ ; meatus urethrae femininae internus ♀
female internal urethral orifice ♀; internal urethral meatus ♀
85454 | 3257 | part |
ostium internum accipiens urethrae femininae ♀
filling internal opening of female urethra ♀
77076 | 3258 | part |
ostium internum evacuans urethrae femininae ♀
emptying internal opening of female urethra ♀
77049 | 3164 | part |
ostium abdominale tubae uterinae ♀
abdominal ostium of uterine tube ♀
17749 | 3171 | part |
ostium uterinum tubae uterinae ♀
uterine ostium of uterine tube ♀
20422 | 3191 | part |
ostium uteri externum ♀
external os of uterus ♀
53133 | 10913 |
aditus anatomicus cranii
anatomical inlet of cranium
57402 | 451 | part |
apertura sinus frontalis
opening of frontal sinus
53134 | 373 | part |
aditus orbitalis
orbital opening
54771 | 506 | part |
apertura sinus sphenoidalis
opening of sphenoidal sinus
53137 | 392 | part |
apertura piriformis septi nasi ossei
piriform aperture
54371 | 396 | part |
ostium canalis nasolacrimalis
opening of nasolacrimal canal
56797 | 7182 | part |
aditus antri mastoidei
aditus to mastoid antrum
53160 | 557 | part |
apertura externa canalis carotici ossis temporalis
external opening of carotid canal of temporal bone of temporal bone
53161 | 558 | part |
apertura interna canalis carotici ossis temporalis
internal opening of carotid canal of temporal bone of temporal bone
56445 | 567 | part |
hiatus nervi petrosi majoris
hiatus of greater petrous nerve
56448 | 569 | part |
hiatus nervi petrosi minoris
hiatus of lesser petrous nerve
53162 | 575 | part |
porus acusticus internus
internal acoustic opening; internal auditory pore
61301 | 597 | part |
porus acusticus externus ossis temporalis
external acoustic pore of temporal bone ; external auditory opening
77753 | 7291 | part |
fundus meatus acustici interni
fundus of internal acoustic meatus
56424 | 586 | part |
apertura externa canaliculi cochleae
external opening of cochlear canaliculus
598 | part |
meatus acusticus externus ossis temporalis
external acoustic meatus of temporal bone ; external auditory canal
56421 | 579 | part |
apertura externa canaliculi vestibuli
external opening of vestibular canaliculus
31732 | 847 | part |
hiatus sacralis
sacral hiatus
14556 | 17661 |
apertura intestini crassi
opening of large intestine
15989 | 2604 | part |
ostium ileale
ileal opening ; orifice of ileal papilla
14557 | 2609 | part |
ostium appendicis vermiformis
opening of vermiform appendix ; orifice of appendix
19984 | 3247 | part |
ostium vaginae ♀
vaginal orifice ♀
63589 | 7381 | part |
porus gustatorius
taste pore
53133 | 17890 |
apertura cranii
opening of cranium
61301 | 7147 | part |
porus acusticus externus
external acoustic pore
8614 | part |
(foramen tympanicum )
(tympanic foramen )
8202 | part |
apertura tympani canaliculi tympani
tympanic opening of inferior tympanic canaliculus
14074 | part |
apertura eminentiae pyramidalis
opening of pyramidal eminence
8208↓ | part |
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris
tympanic opening of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani ; tympanic aperture of posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani
8380↓ | part |
apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris
tympanic opening of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani ; tympanic aperture of anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani
8696 | part |
ostium tympanicum canalis nervi petrosi minoris
hiatus of canal for lesser petrosal nerve
327444 | 17914 |
apertura ossis
opening of bone
17371 | part |
(foramen supratrochleare )
(supratrochlear foramen )
55473 | 2901 | part |
rima vestibuli
rima vestibuli
55472 | 2906 | part |
rima glottidis ; rima vocalis
rima glottidis
55508 | 18027 |
divisio rimae glottidis
subdivision of rima glottidis
55509 | 2907 | part |
pars intermembranacea plicae vocalis
intermembranous part of vocal fold
55510 | 2908 | part |
pars intercartilaginea plicae vocalis
intercartilaginous part of vocal fold
29746 | 15247 | part |
hiatus anorectalis
anorectal hiatus
15711 | 2657 | part |
58252 | 6940 | part |
7813 | part |
porus trigeminalis cavi trigeminalis
trigeminal pore of trigeminal cave
55006 | 2439 | part |
isthmus faucium
isthmus of fauces ; oropharyngeal isthmus
77282 | 2814 | part |
(ductus incisivus )
(incisive duct )
75369 | 467 | part |
canalis condylaris
condylar canal
302877 | 624 | part |
foramen cribrosum ossis ethmoidalis
cribriform foramen of ethmoid
17442 | part |
foramen glenohumerale superius
superior glenohumeral foramen
17444 | part |
foramen glenohumerale inferius
inferior glenohumeral foramen
77256 | 1960 | part |
hiatus urogenitalis
urogenital hiatus
75037 | 10179 |
fissura anatomica T3 35 children
anatomical fissure
329271 | 16987 |
sulcus cranii
sulcus of cranium
75339 | 581 | part |
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris
groove of inferior petrous sinus
75052 | 573 | part |
sulcus sinus petrosi superioris
groove of superior petrous sinus
75335 | 483 | part |
sulcus sinus transversi
limbus of sphenoid
57127 | 484 | part |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis occipitalis
groove of sigmoid sinus of occipital bone
75336 | 485 | part |
sulcus sinus occipitalis ossis occipitalis
groove of occipital sinus of occipital bone
75337 | 486 | part |
sulcus sinus marginalis ossis occipitalis
groove of marginal sinus of occipital bone
75343 | 7173 | part |
sulcus promontorii cavitatis tympani
groove of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
59110 | 7059 | part |
rima palpebrarum
palpebral fissure
329287 | 17827 |
sulcus organi
groove of organ
329270 | 17828 |
fissura anatomica globi oculi
anatomical fissure of eyeball
58411 | 6893 | part |
sulcus sclerae
scleral sulcus
47200 | 1195 | part |
sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi
groove of tendon of long flexor muscle of great toe
14492 | 2666 | part |
sulcus venae cavae inferioris
groove for inferior vena cava
11139↓ | part |
fissura sagittalis dextra
right sagittal fissure
11141↓ | part |
fissura sagittalis sinistra
left sagittal fissure
75340 | 958 | part |
sulcus nervi ulnaris
groove of ulnar nerve
293129 | 10181 |
spatium prenatale
prenatal space
50705 | 10135 |
finis anatomicus
anatomical boundary
24137 | 10182 |
superficies anatomica T2 1751 children
anatomical surface
242980 | 10498 |
superficies anatomica bona fide
bona fide anatomical surface
61695 | 10118 |
superficies corporis
surface of body
24146 | 13502 | part |
superficies regionis corporis humani
surface of region of human body
24147 | 10511 |
superficies divisionis partis principalis corporis humani
surface of subdivision of cardinal body part
49188 | 10512 |
superficies divisionis capitis T3 66 children
surface of subdivision of head
61568 | 9616 | part |
regio neurocranialis
neurocranial region
61569 | 10518 |
superficies divisionis cranii T4 34 children
surface of subdivision of cranium
46477 | 123 | part |
regio frontalis
frontal region
9621 | part |
regio supraorbitalis
supraorbital region
46478 | 124 | part |
regio parietalis
parietal region
46479 | 125 | part |
regio occipitalis
occipital region
61700 | 126 | part |
regio temporalis
temporal region
46482 | 128 | part |
regio mastoidea
mastoid region
46481 | 127 | part |
regio auricularis
auricular region
61698 | 17880 |
divisio regionis auricularis
subdivision of auricular region
61095 | 17881 |
superficies auriculae
surface of auricle
8129 | part |
facies lateralis auriculae
lateral surface of auricle
8132 | part |
facies medialis auriculae
medial surface of auricle
61168 | 7128 | part |
sulcus cruris helicis
groove of crus of helix
61104 | 7113 | part |
scapha ; canalis scaphoideus
scapha ; scaphoid gutter
61187 | 7123 | part |
sulcus posterior auriculae
posterior auricular groove
46483 | 129 | part |
regio facialis ; regio faciei
facial region ; region of face
46485 | 10519 |
superficies divisionis faciei T4 28 children
surface of subdivision of face
75016 | 130 | part |
sulcus suprapalpebralis
suprapalpebral groove
131 | part |
regio orbitalis
orbital region
75017 | 132 | part |
sulcus infrapalpebralis
infrapalpebral groove
74814 | 133 | part |
regio infraorbitalis
infraorbital region
74817 | 134 | part |
regio buccalis
buccal region
74826 | 135 | part |
regio parotideomasseterica
parotidomasseteric region
74822 | 136 | part |
regio zygomatica
zygomatic region
74820 | 137 | part |
regio nasalis
nasal region
75018 | 138 | part |
sulcus nasolabialis
nasolabial groove
74821 | 139 | part |
regio oralis
oral region
75019 | 140 | part |
sulcus geniolabialis
geniolabial groove
141 | part |
regio mentalis
mental region
61567 | 10513 |
superficies divisionis cervicis T3 41 children
surface of subdivision of neck
57774 | 10973 |
divisio regionis cervicalis lateralis
subdivision of lateral cervical region
75021 | 151 | part |
trigonum omoclaviculare
omoclavicular trigone
57773 | 143 | part |
regio cervicalis anterior
anterior cervical triangle
10624 |
superficies divisionis partis anterioris cervicis
surface of subdivision of anterior part of neck
57777 | 9622 | part |
trigonum cervicale anterius
anterior cervical triangle
61604 | 147 | part |
trigonum submentale
submental trigone
57779 | 144 | part |
trigonum submandibulare
submandibular trigone
61598 | 145 | part |
trigonum caroticum
carotic trigone
61601 | 146 | part |
trigonum musculare ; trigonum omotracheale
muscular trigone ; omotracheal trigone
81001 | 17169 | part |
trigonum occipitale
occipital triangle
9629 | part |
regio suprahyoidea
suprahyoid region
9630 | part |
regio infrahyoidea
infrahyoid region
75020 | 148 | part |
regio sternocleidomastoidea
sternocleidomastoid region
10625 |
superficies divisionis partis sternocleidomastoideae
surface of subdivision of sternocleidomastoid part
84981 | 149 | part |
fossa supraclavicularis minor regionis cervicalis
lesser supraclavicular fossa of cervical region
57778 | 150 | part |
regio cervicalis lateralis ; trigonum cervicale posterius; trigonum posterius colli
lateral cervical region ; posterior cervical triangle
10626 |
superficies divisionis partis lateralis cervicis
surface of subdivision of lateral part of neck
84958 | 152 | part |
fossa supraclavicularis major regionis cervicalis
greater supraclavicular fossa of cervical region
24189 | 153 | part |
regio cervicalis posterior ; regio posterior cervicis
posterior cervical region ; posterior region of neck
61548 | 10514 |
superficies divisionis trunci T3 65 children
surface of subdivision of trunk
326161 | 13539 |
superficies divisionis segmenti abdominalis trunci
surface of subdivision of abdominal segment of trunk
61551 | 10539 |
superficies divisionis abdominis T4 15 children
surface of subdivision of abdomen
61685 | 10590 |
superficies dorsi abdominis
surface of dorsum of abdomen
61684 | 10591 |
superficies partis anterioris abdominis
surface of anterior part of abdomen
9688 | 166 | part |
epigastrium ; regio epigastrica ; fossa epigastrica
epigastrium ; epigastrium
14601 | 165 | part |
hypochondrium ; regio hypochondriaca
61683 | 168 | part |
regio umbilicalis
umbilical region
74805 | 167 | part |
latus ; regio lateralis
flank ; lateral region
14602 | 170 | part |
hypogastrium ; regio pubica
hypogastrium ; pubic region
9685 | 169 | part |
inguen ; regio inguinalis
groin ; inguinal region
14600 | 164 | part |
regio abdominis ; regio abdominalis
region of abdomen
61555 | 10540 |
superficies divisionis perinei T4 2 children
surface of subdivision of perineum
28026 | 183 | part |
regio urogenitalis
urogenital region
28029 | 182 | part |
regio analis
anal region
327403 | 14765 |
trigonum lumbale T4 6 children
lumbar trigone
75023 | 179 | part |
(trigonum lumbale inferius )
(inferior lumbar trigone )
75024 | 180 | part |
(trigonum lumbale superius )
(superior lumbar trigone )
24030 | 181 | part |
regio perinealis
perineal region
61687 | 10592 |
superficies divisionis partis posterioris abdominis T4 4 children
surface of subdivision of posterior part of abdomen
74804 | 172 | part |
regio vertebralis
vertebral region
61681 | 178 | part |
regio lumbalis
lumbar region
24149 | 173 | part |
regio sacralis
sacral region
24122 | 10538 |
superficies divisionis segmenti thoracici trunci T4 26 children
surface of subdivision of thoracic segment of trunk
24124 | 154 | part |
regio thoracica
thoracic region
75025 | 155 | part |
regio presternalis
presternal region
61547 | 17669 |
divisio superficiei partis pectoralis
subdivision of surface of pectoral part
74798 | 17670 |
divisio superficiei partis infraclavicularis pectoris
subdivision of surface of infraclavicular part of pectus
61541 | 156 | part |
fossa infraclavicularis regionis thoracici
infraclavicular fossa of thoracic region
157 | part |
trigonum clavipectorale ; trigonum deltopectorale
clavipectoral trigone ; deltopectoral trigone
158 | part |
regio pectoralis
pectoral region
159 | part |
regio pectoralis lateralis
lateral pectoral region
160 | part |
regio mammaria
mammary region
161 | part |
regio inframammaria
inframammary region
323993 | 17673 |
superficies divisionis dorsi thoracis
surface of subdivision of dorsum of thorax
74834 | 177 | part |
regio infrascapularis
infrascapular region
75022 | 176 | part |
trigonum auscultationis
auscultatory triangle
24205 | 171 | part |
regio dorsalis
region of dorsum
25231 | 10515 |
superficies divisionis membri T3 194 children
surface of subdivision of limb
61570 | 10584 |
superficies cinguli
surface of girdle
61571 | 10585 |
superficies divisionis cinguli pectoralis
surface of subdivision of pectoral girdle
74800 | 162 | part |
regio axillaris
axillary region
25235 | 185 | part |
regio deltoidea
deltoid region
61573 | 175 | part |
regio scapularis
scapular region
25244 | 10586 |
superficies divisionis cinguli pelvici
surface of subdivision of pelvic girdle
74829 | 218 | part |
regio glutealis
gluteal region
25248 | 221 | part |
regio coxae
region of hip
25236 | 10589 |
superficies divisionis membri liberi
surface of subdivision of free limb
24176 | 10587 |
superficies divisionis partis liberae membri superioris T4 81 children
surface of subdivision of free upper limb
61518 | 10593 |
superficies divisionis brachii
surface of subdivision of arm
25265 | 187 | part |
regio brachii anterior ; regio brachialis anterior
anterior region of arm
25272 | 190 | part |
regio brachii posterior ; regio brachialis posterior
posterior region of arm
24178 | 186 | part |
regio brachii
brachial region
25273 | 191 | part |
regio cubitalis
cubital region
25276 | 192 | part |
regio cubitalis anterior
anterior region of elbow
61501 | 10594 |
superficies divisionis cubiti anterioris
surface of subdivision of anterior elbow
79886 | 193 | part |
fossa cubitalis
cubital fossa
25277 | 194 | part |
regio cubitalis posterior
posterior region of elbow
24177 | 195 | part |
regio antebrachialis
region of forearm
25292 | 196 | part |
regio antebrachii anterior ; regio antebrachialis anterior
anterior region of forearm
25295 | 197 | part |
regio antebrachii posterior ; regio antebrachialis posterior
posterior region of forearm
25240 | 200 | part |
regio manus
region of hand
25264 | 10595 |
superficies divisionis manus
surface of subdivision of hand
25299 | 201 | part |
regio carpalis
carpal region
25303 | 202 | part |
regio carpalis anterior
anterior region of wrist
25306 | 203 | part |
regio carpalis posterior
posterior region of wrist
25309 | 208 | part |
regio metacarpalis
metacarpal region
9683 | 205 | part |
regio palmaris manus ; regio volaris manus
palmar region of hand
25298 | 204 | part |
regio dorsalis manus
dorsal region of hand
25312 | 209 | part |
regio digitorum manus
region of fingers of hand
25314 | 215 | part |
facies palmaris digitorum manus
palmar surface of fingers of hand
25313 | 216 | part |
facies dorsalis digitorum manus
dorsal surface of fingers of hand
25312 | 10605 |
superficies divisionis digiti manus
surface of subdivision of finger of hand
25320 | 210 | part |
regio pollicis ; regio digiti primi
region of thumb
25321 | 211 | part |
regio digiti secundi ; regio digiti secundi
region of index finger
25322 | 212 | part |
regio digiti tertii ; regio digiti tertii
region of third finger
25323 | 213 | part |
regio digiti quarti ; regio digiti quarti
region of ring finger
25324 | 214 | part |
regio digiti minimi
region of little finger
326157 | 17167 | part |
regio thenaris
thenar region
326156 | 17168 | part |
regio hypothenaris
hypothenar region
25266 | 10588 |
superficies divisionis partis liberae membri inferioris T4 92 children
surface of subdivision of free lower limb
25241 | 222 | part |
regio femoralis
femoral region
25404 | 223 | part |
regio femoris anterior
anterior region of thigh
10600 |
divisio regionis femoris anterioris
subdivision of anterior region of thigh
58780 | 224 | part |
trigonum femoris
femoral trigone
25405 | 225 | part |
regio femoris posterior
posterior region of thigh
25418 | 226 | part |
regio genus
region of knee
25419 | 227 | part |
regio genus anterior
anterior region of knee
25420 | 228 | part |
regio genus posterior
posterior region of knee
10601 |
divisio regionis genus posterioris
subdivision of posterior region of knee
22525 | 229 | part |
fossa poplitea genus
popliteal fossa of knee
25242 | 230 | part |
regio cruris
region of leg
25427 | 231 | part |
regio cruris anterior
anterior region of leg
25428 | 232 | part |
regio cruris posterior
posterior region of leg
10602 |
divisio regionis cruris posterioris
subdivision of posterior region of leg
25428 | 233 | part |
regio surae
sural region
25439 | 249 | part |
regio tarsalis
ankle region
25440 | 234 | part |
regio talocruralis anterior
anterior talocrural region ; anterior ankle region
25441 | 235 | part |
regio talocruralis posterior
posterior talocrural region
74856 | 10603 |
superficies partis malleolaris tarsi
surface of malleolar part of ankle
10964 |
superficies partis retromalleolaris tarsi
surface of retromalleolar part of ankle
74858 | 236 | part |
regio retromalleolaris lateralis
lateral retromalleolar region
74857 | 237 | part |
regio retromalleolaris medialis
medial retromalleolar region
25243 | 238 | part |
regio pedis
region of foot
10604 |
superficies divisionis pedis
surface of subdivision of foot
25452 | 239 | part |
regio calcanea
region of heel
25453 | 240 | part |
dorsum pedis ; regio dorsalis pedis
dorsum of foot ; dorsal region of foot
25454 | 250 | part |
regio metatarsalis
metatarsal region
25455 | 241 | part |
planta pedis ; regio plantaris pedis
sole of foot ; plantar region of foot
25456 | 251 | part |
regio digitorum pedis
region of toes; digits of foot
25467 | 252 | part |
regio hallucis pedis
region of great toe of foot
25470 | 253 | part |
regio digiti secundi pedis
region of second toe of foot
25473 | 254 | part |
regio digiti tertii pedis
region of third toe of foot
25474 | 255 | part |
regio digiti quarti pedis
region of fourth toe of foot
25475 | 256 | part |
regio digiti quinti pedis ; regio digiti quinti pedis
region of little toe of foot; region of fifth toe
25483 | 257 | part |
facies plantaris digitorum pedis
plantar surface of toes
25482 | 258 | part |
facies dorsalis digitorum pedis
dorsal surface of fingers of foot
24145 | 9460 | part |
regio corporis humani T3 5 children
region of human body
24150 | 122 | part |
regio capitis
region of head
24151 | 142 | part |
regio cervicalis
cervical region
24152 | 10516 |
superficies membri
surface of whole limb
24153 | 184 | part |
regio membri superioris
region of upper limb
24154 | 217 | part |
regio membri inferioris
region of lower limb
24208 | 10501 |
superficies organi T3 22 children
surface of organ
55642 | 16714 | part |
facies dentis
surface of tooth
55643 | 2358 | part |
facies occlusalis
occlusal surface
55644 | 2359 | part |
facies vestibularis
vestibular surface
55645 | 2360 | part |
facies buccalis
buccal surface
55646 | 2361 | part |
facies labialis
labial surface
55647 | 2362 | part |
facies lingualis
lingual surface
55648 | 2363 | part |
facies palatinalis
palatal surface
55650 | 2364 | part |
facies mesialis
mesial surface
55649 | 2365 | part |
facies distalis
distal surface
55651 | 2366 | part |
facies proximalis
proximal surface ; interproximal surface
55315 | 17885 |
superficies organi cartilaginei
surface of cartilaginous organ
61193 | 17886 |
superficies cartilaginis auriculae
surface of auricular cartilage
61154 | 17887 |
divisio superficiei medialis cartilaginis auriculae
subdivision of medial surface of auricular cartilage
61156 | 7130 | part |
eminentia conchae auriculae
conchal eminence ; eminence of concha of auricle of auricle
61159 | 7131 | part |
eminentia scaphae
eminence of scapha ; scaphoid eminence
61162 | 7132 | part |
eminentia fossae triangularis antihelicis
eminence of triangular fossa of antihelix ; triangular fossa eminence
45688 | 14758 |
superficies regionis organi T3 619 children
surface of region of organ
24211 | 14762 |
superficies regionis cordis T4 5 children
surface of region of heart
222938 | 15986 |
superficies camerae cardiacae
surface of cardiac chamber
24212 | 15987 |
superficies divisionis atrii dextri
surface of subdivision of right atrium
9522 | 3618 | part |
facies dextra cordis ; facies pulmonalis dextra cordis
right surface of heart ; right pulmonary surface of heart
65961 | 10843 |
superficies divisionis atrii sinistri
surface of subdivision of left atrium
9549 | 11341 | part |
facies sinistra cordis ; facies pulmonalis sinistra cordis
left surface of heart ; left pulmonary surface of heart
58346 | 15324 |
superficies regionis diaphragmatis
surface of region of diaphragm
58351 | 1870 | part |
trigonum sternocostale
sternocostal trigone
58353 | 1871 | part |
trigonum lumbocostale
lumbocostal trigone
33365 | 16995 |
superficies regionis ossis
surface of region of bone
66081 | 17066 |
superficies regionis costae T4 72 children
surface of region of rib
7579 | 859 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae
articular facet of head of rib
7604 | 13077 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae primae
articular surface of head of first rib
7631 | 13133 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae secundae
articular surface of head of second rib
7704 | 22424 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae tertiae
articular surface of head of third rib
7752 | 11408 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae quartae
articular surface of head of fourth rib
7779 | 11443 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae quintae
articular surface of head of fifth rib
7806 | 17068 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae sextae
articular surface of head of sixth rib
7833 | 17069 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae septimae
articular surface of head of seventh rib
8123 | 17070 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae octavae
articular surface of head of eighth rib
8340 | 17071 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae nonae
articular surface of head of ninth rib
8421 | 17072 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae decimae
articular surface of head of tenth rib
8503 | 17073 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae undecimae
articular surface of head of eleventh rib
8519 | 17074 | part |
facies articularis capitis costae duodecimae
articular surface of head of twelfth rib
7584 | 865 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae
articular facet of tubercle of rib
66092 | 13099 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae primae
articular face of tubercle of first rib
66093 | 13157 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae secundae
articular face of tubercle of second rib
66094 | 22448 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae tertiae
articular face of tubercle of third rib
66095 | 11431 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae quartae
articular face of tubercle of fourth rib
66096 | 11459 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae quintae
articular face of tubercle of fifth rib
66097 | 17109 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae sextae
articular face of tubercle of sixth rib
66098 | 17110 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae septimae
articular face of tubercle of seventh rib
66099 | 17111 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae octavae
articular face of tubercle of eighth rib
66100 | 17112 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae nonae
articular face of tubercle of ninth rib
66101 | 17113 | part |
facies articularis tuberculi costae decimae
articular face of tubercle of tenth rib
32438 | 17140 |
superficies regionis vertebrae sacralis
surface of region of sacral vertebra
31722 | 829 | part |
basis ossis sacri
base of sacrum
53147 | 13540 |
superficies regionis ossis cranii T4 47 children
surface of region of bone of cranium
53148 | 13541 |
superficies zonae ossis sphenoidalis
surface of zone of sphenoid
53149 | 514 | part |
facies cerebralis alae majoris
cerebral surface of greater wing
53150 | 515 | part |
facies temporalis alae majoris
temporal surface of greater wing
53151 | 516 | part |
facies infratemporalis alae majoris
infratemporal surface of greater wing
75321 | 518 | part |
facies maxillaris alae majoris
maxillary surface of greater wing
53153 | 519 | part |
facies orbitalis alae majoris
orbital surface of greater wing
81056 | 16997 |
superficies zonae ossis palatini
surface of zone of palatine bone
59176 | 16998 |
superficies laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
59179 | 698 | part |
facies nasalis laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
nasal surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
59182 | 699 | part |
facies maxillaris laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
maxillary surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
59185 | 16999 |
superficies laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
59188 | 709 | part |
facies nasalis laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
nasal surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
59192 | 710 | part |
facies palatina laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
palatine surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
54939 | 17021 |
superficies zonae ossis temporalis
surface of zone of temporal bone
55493 | 548 | part |
incisura mastoidea
mastoid notch
54950 | 564 | part |
facies anterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis
anterior surface of petrous part of temporal bone
55939 | 574 | part |
facies posterior partis petrosae
posterior surface of petrous part
54943 | 608 | part |
facies temporalis ossis temporalis
temporal surface of temporal bone
55709 | 583 | part |
facies inferior partis petrosae
inferior surface of petrous part
37022 | 21042 |
superficies regionis vertebrae
surface of region of vertebra
24063 | 21043 |
superficies corporis vertebrae
surface of vertebral body
65159 | 21044 |
divisio superficiei corporis vertebrae
subdivision of surface of vertebral body
13577 | 21445 |
facies costalis corporis vertebrae thoracicae T4 99 children
costal surface of body of thoracic vertebra
10440 | 822 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae
costal fovea of transverse process of vertebra of vertebra
9184 | 11918 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae primae
costal fovea of transverse process of first thoracic vertebra
9203 | 10713 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae secundae
costal fovea of transverse process of second thoracic vertebra
9225 | 9948 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
costal fovea of transverse process of third thoracic vertebra
9264 | 9949 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quartae
costal fovea of transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra
9938 | 9950 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quintae
costal fovea of transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra
16580 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae sextae
costal fovea of transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra
16581 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae septimae
costal fovea of transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra
16582 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae octavae
costal fovea of transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra
16583 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae nonae
costal fovea of transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra
16584 | part |
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae decimae
costal fovea of transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra
9145 | 820 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae
superior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
9171 | 16578 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra
9192 | 21496 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra
9214 | 21552 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra
9253 | 21832 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra
9927 | 21608 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra
9950 | 21888 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra
9973 | 21664 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra
9996 | 21944 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra
10019 | 21720 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra
10042 | 22000 | part |
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra
9146 | 821 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
inferior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
16579 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra
21500 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra
21556 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra
21836 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra
21612 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra
21892 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra
21668 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra
21948 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra
21724 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra
22004 | part |
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra
10064 | 21780 | part |
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
costal fovea of eleventh thoracic vertebra
11994 | 22060 | part |
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
costal fovea of twelfth thoracic vertebra
65557 | 21045 |
facies articularis dentis axis
articular face of tooth of axis
24091 | 816 | part |
facies articularis anterior dentis axis
anterior articular facet of tooth of axis
24092 | 817 | part |
facies articularis posterior dentis axis
posterior articular facet
75792 | 781 | part |
epiphysis anularis T4 53 children
anular epiphysis
21098 |
epiphysis anularis superior
superior anular epiphysis
21103 |
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae cervicalis
superior anular epiphysis of cervical vertebra
10673 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
superior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
13250 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
13301 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
13322 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
13557 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
superior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
21104 |
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae thoracicae
superior anular epiphysis of thoracic vertebra
15047 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
21451 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
21507 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
21787 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
21563 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
21843 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
21619 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
21899 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
21675 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
21955 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
21731 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
superior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22011 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
superior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21105 |
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae lumbalis
superior anular epiphysis of lumbar vertebra
22067 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
superior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
22127 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
superior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
22187 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
superior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
22247 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
22307 | part |
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
21099 |
epiphysis anularis inferior
inferior anular epiphysis
21100 |
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis
inferior anular epiphysis of cervical vertebra
10662 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis axis
inferior anular epiphysis of body of axis
11017 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
15038 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
15040 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
15042 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
15044 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
inferior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
21101 |
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
inferior anular epiphysis of thoracic vertebra
15048 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
21452 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
21508 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
21788 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
21564 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
21844 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
21620 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
21900 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
21676 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
21956 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
21732 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22012 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21102 |
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis
inferior anular epiphysis of lumbar vertebra
22068 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
22128 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
22188 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
22248 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
22308 | part |
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
780 | part |
facies intervertebralis T4 53 children
intervertebral surface
13565 | 21092 |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae
superior intervertebral surface of vertebral body
24077 | 21106 |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis labii
superior intervertebral surface of body of typical cervical vertebra
24264 | 10672 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
superior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
27051 | 13249 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
27107 | 13300 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
27163 | 13321 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
27219 | 13556 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
superior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
9163 | 21107 |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae
superior intervertebral surface of body of thoracic vertebra
9173 | 15045 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
9194 | 21449 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
9216 | 21505 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
9255 | 21785 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
9929 | 21561 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
9952 | 21841 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
9975 | 21617 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
9998 | 21897 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
10021 | 21673 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
10043 | 21953 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
10065 | 21729 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
superior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
10087 | 22009 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
superior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
16225 | 21108 |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis
superior intervertebral face of body of lumbar vertebra
16256 | 22065 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
superior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
16257 | 22125 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
superior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
16258 | 22185 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
superior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
16259 | 22245 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
16260 | 22305 | part |
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
13566 | 21093 |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae
inferior intervertebral face of vertebral body
24065 | 21095 |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis labii
inferior intervertebral face of body of typical cervical vertebra
24078 | 10661 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis axis
inferior intervertebral surface of body of axis
24265 | 13577 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
27052 | 15037 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
27108 | 15039 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
27164 | 15041 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
27220 | 15043 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
inferior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
9164 | 21096 |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae
inferior intervertebral face of body of thoracic vertebra
9174 | 15046 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
9195 | 21450 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
9217 | 21506 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
9256 | 21786 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
9930 | 21562 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
9953 | 21842 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
9976 | 21618 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
9999 | 21898 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
10022 | 21674 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
10044 | 21954 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
10066 | 21730 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
10088 | 22010 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
16226 | 21097 |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis
inferior intervertebral face of body of lumbar vertebra
16261 | 22066 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
16262 | 22126 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
16263 | 22186 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
16264 | 22246 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
16265 | 22306 | part |
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
17143 |
superficies processus articularis superioris vertebrae
surface of superior articular process of vertebra of vertebra
24411 | 792 | part |
facies articularis superior T4 69 children
superior articular facet
24694 | 21129 |
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis
superior articular surface of cervical vertebra
24746 | 10683 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
superior articular surface of third cervical vertebra
27090 | 13296 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
superior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra
27146 | 13312 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
superior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra
27202 | 13333 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
superior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra
27258 | 15021 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae prominentis
superior articular surface of vertebra prominens
24809 | 21130 |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae
superior articular surface of thoracic vertebra
28484 | 15006 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra
28485 | 21484 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra
28486 | 21540 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra
28487 | 21820 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra
28488 | 21596 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra
28499 | 21876 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra
28490 | 21652 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra
28491 | 21932 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra
28492 | 21708 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra
28493 | 21988 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra
28494 | 21764 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
superior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra
28495 | 22044 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
superior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra
24834 | 21131 |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis
superior articular surface of lumbar vertebra
30940 | 22100 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae
superior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra
30941 | 22160 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
superior articular surface of second lumbar vertebra
30942 | 22220 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
superior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra
30943 | 22280 | part |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
superior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra
30944 | 22340 |
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
superior articular surface of fifth lumbar vertebra
24412 | 794 | part |
facies articularis inferior T4 72 children
inferior articular facet
24697 | 21125 |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis
inferior articular surface of cervical vertebra
24093 | 10669 | part |
facies articularis inferior axis
inferior articular surface of axis
24749 | 10685 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
inferior articular surface of third cervical vertebra
27096 | 13298 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
inferior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra
27152 | 13315 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
inferior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra
27208 | 13335 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
inferior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra
27264 | 15023 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae prominentis
inferior articular surface of vertebra prominens
24812 | 21126 |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
inferior articular surface of thoracic vertebra
28520 | 19660 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra
28521 | 21492 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra
28522 | 21548 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra
28523 | 21828 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra
28524 | 21604 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra
28525 | 21884 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra
28526 | 21660 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra
28527 | 21940 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra
28528 | 21716 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra
28529 | 21996 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra
28530 | 21772 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
inferior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra
28531 | 22052 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
inferior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra
24857 | 21127 |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis
inferior articular surface of lumbar vertebra
30955 | 22108 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae
inferior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra
30956 | 22168 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
inferior articular surface of second lumbar vertebra
30957 | 22228 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
inferior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra
30958 | 22288 | part |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
inferior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra
30959 | 22348 |
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
inferior articular surface of fifth lumbar vertebra
65133 | 19551 |
superficies regionis ossis coxae T4 15 children
surface of region of hip bone
16965 | 1069 | part |
facies symphysialis ossis pubis
symphysial surface of pubis
16935 | 1058 | part |
facies auricularis ossis ilii
auricular surface of ilium
16975 | 1057 | part |
facies sacropelvica ossis ilii
sacropelvic surface of ilium
33525 | 1034 | part |
facies lunata acetabuli
lunate surface of acetabulum
17269 | 1032 | part |
fossa acetabuli ossis coxae
acetabular fossa of hip bone
33574 | 20620 |
superficies regionis ossis tarsi T4 56 children
surface of region of tarsal bone
20621 |
divisio superficiei tali
subdivision of surface of talus
33611 | 20622 |
divisio superficiei capitis tali
subdivision of surface of head of talus
33610 | 1181 | part |
facies articularis navicularis
navicular articular surface
33616 | 1186 | part |
facies articularis calcanea media
middle facet of calcaneus
33616 | 1184 | part |
facies articularis calcanea anterior
anterior facet of calcaneus
33617 | 1182 | part |
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis plantaris
articular surface of plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
75825 | 1183 | part |
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis
articular surface of calcaneonavicular ligament
33623 | 17952 |
divisio superficiei corporis tali
subdivision of surface of body of talus
33624 | 1190 | part |
facies superior tali
superior facet of talus
35150 | 1191 | part |
facies malleolaris lateralis tali
lateral malleolar surface of talus
33146 | 1193 | part |
facies malleolaris medialis tali
medial malleolar facet of talus
35169 | 17953 |
divisio superficiei plantaris corporis tali
subdivision of plantar surface of body of talus
33632 | 1198 | part |
facies articularis calcanea posterior tali
posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus
77235 | 1187 | part |
sulcus tali
sulcus of talus
33576 | 17955 |
divisio superficiei calcanei
subdivision of surface of calcaneus
33713 | 17956 |
divisio superficiei superioris calcanei
subdivision of superior surface of calcaneus
33714 | 1209 | part |
facies articularis talaris anterior
anterior talar articular surface
33715 | 1210 | part |
facies articularis talaris media
middle talar articular surface
33716 | 1211 | part |
facies articularis talaris posterior
posterior talar articular surface
33706 | 17957 |
divisio superficiei anterioris calcanei
subdivision of anterior surface of calcaneus
33707 | 1214 | part |
facies articularis cuboidea
cuboid articular surface
34751 | 17958 |
divisio superficiei medialis ossis tarsi
subdivision of medial surface of tarsal bone
35138 | 1208 | part |
sinus tarsi
tarsal sinus
77236 | 1207 | part |
sulcus calcanei
calcaneal sulcus
58315 | 9726 |
superficies regionis parietis bulbi
surface of region of wall of bulb
58888 | 11456 |
superficies lentis
surface of lens
58889 | 7008 | part |
facies anterior lentis
anterior surface of lens
58890 | 7009 | part |
facies posterior lentis
posterior surface of lens
58885 | 17814 |
superficies iridis
surface of iris
58491 | 6935↓ | part |
facies anterior iridis
anterior surface of iris
58492 | 6936 | part |
facies posterior iridis
posterior surface of iris
58316 | 17831 |
superficies corneae
surface of cornea
58317 | 6906 | part |
facies anterior corneae
anterior surface of cornea
58318 | 6907 | part |
facies posterior corneae
posterior surface of cornea
24146 | 17863 |
superficies regionis corporis humani
surface of region of human body
24147 | 17864 |
superficies divisionis partis principalis corporis humani
surface of subdivision of cardinal body part
49188 | 17865 |
superficies divisionis capitis
surface of subdivision of head
46485 | 17866 |
divisio superficiei faciei
subdivision of surface of face
329285 | 17867 |
divisio superficiei oculi
subdivision of surface of eye
59060 | 17868 |
superficies palpebrae
surface of eyelid
59059 | 7056 |
facies anterior palpebrae
anterior face of eyelid
59451 | 7589 | part |
facies anterior palpebrae superioris
anterior surface of superior eyelid
59452 | 7602 | part |
facies anterior palpebrae inferioris
anterior surface of inferior eyelid
59061 | 7058 |
facies posterior palpebrae
posterior face of eyelid
59455 | 7590 | part |
facies posterior palpebrae superioris
posterior surface of superior eyelid
59456 | 7612 | part |
facies posterior palpebrae inferioris
posterior surface of inferior eyelid
76668 | 18017 |
superficies cartilaginis
surface of cartilage
76671 | 2853 | part |
facies articularis cartilaginis arytenoideae
articular surface of arytenoid cartilage
76672 | 2855 | part |
facies anterolateralis cartilaginis arytenoideae
anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage
76673 | 2861 | part |
facies medialis cartilaginis arytenoideae
medial surface of arytenoid cartilage
76674 | 2862 | part |
facies posterior cartilaginis arytenoideae
posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage
24210 | 10502 |
regio superficiei organi T3 692 children
24209 | 14757 |
regio superficiei cordis T4 5 children
region of surface of heart
7141 | 3617 | part |
facies inferior cordis ; facies diaphragmatica cordis
inferior surface of heart ; diaphragmatic surface of heart
75133 | 3621 | part |
incisura apicis cordis
notch of apex of heart ; notch of cardiac apex
7140 | 3616 | part |
facies anterior cordis ; facies sternocostalis cordis
anterior surface of heart ; sternocostal surface of heart
9246 | 3648 | part |
fossa ovalis cordis
oval fossa of heart ; fossa ovalis
9247 | 3649 | part |
limbus fossae ovalis cordis
limbus of oval fossa of heart of heart ; limbus fossae ovalis; limbus of fossa ovalis
64848 | 16079 |
regio superficiei mucosae viscerocranialis T4 15 children
region of surface of viscerocranial mucosa
54993 | 2471 | part |
torus tubarius pharyngis
torus tubarius
54996 | 2474 | part |
torus levatorius pharyngis
torus levatorius of pharynx
55037 | 2479 | part |
vallecula epiglottica
epiglottic vallecula
59686 | 2791 | part |
limen nasi
limen nasi
59766 | 2802 | part |
agger nasi
agger nasi
66080 | 10740 |
regio superficiei ossis
region of surface of bone
36978 | 10736 |
regio superficiei ossis longi
region of surface of long bone
66077 | 9632 |
regio superficiei costae T4 114 children
region of surface of rib
7578 | 860 | part |
crista capitis costae
crest of head of rib
13081 | part |
crista capitis costae primae
crest of head of first rib
7632 | 13137 | part |
crista capitis costae secundae
crest of head of second rib
7640 | 22428 | part |
crista capitis costae tertiae
crest of head of third rib
7751 | 11416 | part |
crista capitis costae quartae
crest of head of fourth rib
7778 | 11445 | part |
crista capitis costae quintae
crest of head of fifth rib
7805 | 17075 | part |
crista capitis costae sextae
crest of head of sixth rib
7832 | 17076 | part |
crista capitis costae septimae
crest of head of seventh rib
8122 | 17077 | part |
crista capitis costae octavae
crest of head of eighth rib
8339 | 17078 | part |
crista capitis costae nonae
crest of head of ninth rib
17079 | part |
crista capitis costae decimae
crest of head of tenth rib
17080 | part |
crista capitis costae undecimae
crest of head of eleventh rib
17081 | part |
crista capitis costae duodecimae
crest of head of twelfth rib
7582 | 862 | part |
crista colli costae
crest of neck of rib
13088 | part |
crista colli costae primae
crest of neck of first rib
13145 | part |
crista colli costae secundae
crest of neck of second rib
7707 | 22436 | part |
crista colli costae tertiae
crest of neck of third rib
7756 | 11428 | part |
crista colli costae quartae
crest of neck of fourth rib
7783 | 11447 | part |
crista colli costae quintae
crest of neck of fifth rib
7810 | 17089 | part |
crista colli costae sextae
crest of neck of sixth rib
7837 | 17090 | part |
crista colli costae septimae
crest of neck of seventh rib
8127 | 17091 | part |
crista colli costae octavae
crest of neck of eighth rib
8344 | 17092 | part |
crista colli costae nonae
crest of neck of ninth rib
8425 | 17093 | part |
crista colli costae decimae
crest of neck of tenth rib
17094 | part |
crista colli costae undecimae
crest of neck of eleventh rib
17095 | part |
crista colli costae duodecimae
crest of neck of twelfth rib
7588 | 867 | part |
sulcus costae
costal groove
13107 | part |
sulcus costae primae
sulcus of first rib
7636 | 13165 | part |
sulcus costae secundae
sulcus of second rib
7714 | 22456 | part |
sulcus costae tertiae
sulcus of third rib
7764 | 11433 | part |
sulcus costae quartae
sulcus of fourth rib
7791 | 11487 | part |
sulcus costae quintae
sulcus of fifth rib
7818 | 17121 | part |
sulcus costae sextae
groove of sixth rib
7845 | 17122 | part |
sulcus costae septimae
groove of seventh rib
8135 | 17123 | part |
sulcus costae octavae
groove of eighth rib
8352 | 17124 | part |
sulcus costae nonae
groove of ninth rib
8433 | 17125 | part |
sulcus costae decimae
groove of tenth rib
8506 | 17126 | part |
sulcus costae undecimae
groove of eleventh rib
37010 | 17154 |
regio superficiei claviculae T4 18 children
region of surface of clavicle
23334 | 921 | part |
facies articularis sternalis claviculae
sternal facet of clavicle
23340 | 926 | part |
facies articularis acromialis claviculae
acromial facet of clavicle
23322 | 928 | part |
tuberculum conoideum
conoid tubercle
75811 | 927 | part |
tuberositas ligamenti coracoacromialis claviculae
tuberosity of coracoacromial ligament of clavicle
23343 | 924 | part |
sulcus musculi subclavii corporis claviculae
subclavian groove of body of clavicle; groove of musculus subclavius of body of clavicle
75810 | 922 | part |
impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis claviculae
impression of costoclavicular ligament of clavicle
66065 | 13726 |
divisio superficiei humeri T4 21 children
subdivision of surface of humerus
23451 | 955 | part |
fossa coronoidea humeri
coronoid fossa of humerus
23450 | 954 | part |
fossa olecrani humeri
fossa of olecranon of humerus
23452 | 956 | part |
fossa radialis humeri
radial fossa of humerus
75158 | 941 | part |
facies anteromedialis humeri
anteromedial surface of humerus
75159 | 942 | part |
facies anterolateralis humeri
anterolateral surface of humerus
75160 | 943 | part |
facies posterior humeri
posterior surface of humerus
23417 | 944 | part |
sulcus nervi radialis
groove of radial nerve
37080 | 20823 |
divisio superficiei femoris T4 19 children
subdivision of surface of femur
66196 | 20824 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis femoris
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of femur
66197 | 20825 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis femoris
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of femur
43703 | 1107 | part |
fossa trochanterica femoris
trochanteric fossa of femur
43748 | 1129 | part |
fossa intercondylaris femoris
intercondylar fossa of femur
43700 | 1104 | part |
fovea capitis femoris
fovea of ligament of head of femur
20915 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis femoris
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of femur
43745 | 1128 | part |
facies patellaris femoris
patellar surface of femur
20910 |
divisio superficiei diaphysis ossis femoris
subdivision of surface of diaphysis of femur
43730 | 1119 | part |
facies poplitea corporis femoris
popliteal surface of body of femur
37217 | 13914 |
regio superficiei ulnae T4 19 children
region of surface of ulna
66181 | 13916 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis ulnae
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of ulna
66166 | 13918 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis ulnae
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of ulna
23618 | 984 | part |
incisura radialis ulnae
radial notch of ulna
23619 | 985 | part |
incisura trochlearis ulnae
trochlear notch of ulna
66179 | 17665 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis ulnae
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of ulna
37236 | 17666 |
divisio superficiei diaphysis ulnae
subdivision of surface of diaphysis of ulna
75164 | 987 | part |
facies anterior corporis ulnae
anterior surface of shaft of ulna
75165 | 988 | part |
facies posterior corporis ulnae
posterior surface of shaft of ulna
75166 | 989 | part |
facies medialis corporis ulnae
medial surface of shaft of ulna
37185 | 17918 |
regio superficiei radii T4 19 children
region of surface of radius
75161 | 967 | part |
facies anterior radii
anterior surface of radius
75162 | 968 | part |
facies posterior radii
posterior surface of radius
75163 | 969 | part |
facies lateralis radii
lateral surface of radius
977 | part |
sulcus tendinum musculorum extensorum
tendinous groove
23535 | 979 | part |
facies articularis carpalis radii
carpal articular surface of radius
17373 | part |
faciecula scaphoidea
scaphoid facet
17374 | part |
faciecula lunata
lunate facet
37115 | 17931 |
regio superficiei tibiae T4 37 children
region of surface of tibia
66201 | 17932 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis tibiae
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of tibia
66202 | 17933 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis tibiae
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of tibia
43838 | 1137 | part |
facies articularis superior tibiae
superior articular surface of tibia
43758 | 17203 | part |
faciecula lateralis
lateral facet
43755 | 17204 | part |
faciecula medialis
medial facet
66203 | 17941 |
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis tibiae
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of tibia
43752 | 1140 | part |
facies articularis fibularis tibiae
fibular articular surface of tibia
81040 | 1156 | part |
sulcus malleolaris tibiae
malleolar groove of tibia
43841 | 1159 | part |
facies articularis inferior tibiae
inferior articular surface of tibia
43835 | 1158 | part |
incisura fibularis tibiae
fibular notch of tibia
77233 | 1157 | part |
faciecula articularis malleoli medialis
articular facet of medial malleolus
37137 | 17942 |
divisio superficiei corporis tibiae
subdivision of surface of body of tibia
43770 | 1148 | part |
facies medialis tibiae
medial surface of tibia
37134 | 1149 | part |
facies posterior tibiae
posterior surface of tibia
43776 | 1151 | part |
facies lateralis tibiae
lateral surface of tibia
37150 | 17946 |
regio superficiei fibulae T4 20 children
region of surface of fibula
37172 | 17947 |
regio superficiei corporis fibulae
region of surface of body of fibula
43848 | 1166 | part |
facies lateralis fibulae
lateral surface of fibula
43849 | 1167 | part |
facies medialis fibulae
medial surface of fibula
37169 | 1168 | part |
facies posterior fibulae
posterior surface of fibula
66207 | 17948 |
regio superficiei epiphysis fibulae
region of surface of epiphysis of fibula
17208↓ | part |
crista obliqua
oblique crest
66210 | 1162 | part |
facies articularis capitis fibulae
articular surface of fibular head
43866 | 1174 | part |
facies articularis malleoli lateralis
articular surface of lateral malleolus
43870 | 1175 | part |
fossa malleoli lateralis fibulae
malleolar fossa
43869 | 1176 | part |
sulcus malleolaris fibulae
malleolar groove of fibula
66123 | 10737 |
regio superficiei ossis plani T4 13 children
region of surface of flat bone
10503 |
regio superficiei scapulae
region of surface of scapula
23227 | 897 | part |
facies costalis scapulae ; facies anterior scapulae
costal surface of scapula
23230 | 899 | part |
facies posterior scapulae
posterior surface of scapula
296204 | 17150 |
regio superficiei corporis scapulae
region of surface of body of scapula
23275 | 914 | part |
cavitas glenoidalis scapulae
glenoid cavity of scapula
66124 | 17896 |
regio superficiei sterni
region of surface of sternum
7520 | 884 | part |
incisura costalis sterni
costal notch of sternum
33366 | 10738 |
regio superficiei ossis carpi
region of surface of bone of wrist
65544 | 20920 |
divisio superficiei vertebrae T4 8 children
subdivision of surface of vertebra
31920 | 20921 |
facies articularis atlantis
articular face of atlas
23985 | 804 | part |
facies articularis superior atlantis
superior articular surface of atlas
23986 | 805 | part |
facies articularis inferior atlantis
inferior articular surface of atlas
23996 | 807 | part |
fovea dentis atlantis
fovea of tooth of atlas
66235 | 20534 |
divisio superficiei patellae T4 18 children
subdivision of surface of patella
43651 | 1135 | part |
facies anterior patellae
anterior surface of patella
43669 | 1134 | part |
facies articularis patellae
articular surface of patella
17195 | part |
facies cristalis patellae
cristal surface of patella
43679 | 17196 | part |
faciecula lateralis patellae
lateral facet of patella
43678 | 17197 | part |
faciecula medialis patellae
medial facet of patella
17198 | part |
(faciecula accessoria patellae )
(accessory facet of patella )
75308 | 328 | part |
fossa infratemporalis
infratemporal fossa
75309 | 329 | part |
fossa pterygopalatina
pterygopalatine fossa
75316 | 1052 | part |
fossa iliaca ossis ilii
iliac fossa of ilium
75334 | 1053 | part |
facies glutea ossis ilii
gluteal surface of ilium
54846 | 10739 |
regio superficiei ossis cranii T4 148 children
region of surface of bone of cranium
57130 | 10741 |
divisio superficiei ossis frontalis
subdivision of surface of frontal bone
52855 | 424 | part |
facies externa ossis frontalis
external surface of frontal bone
52856 | 436 | part |
facies interna ossis frontalis
internal surface of frontal bone
57132 | 10758 |
divisio superficiei externae ossis frontalis
subdivision of external surface of frontal bone
57133 | 432 | part |
facies temporalis ossis frontalis
temporal surface of frontal bone
57119 | 10757 |
divisio superficiei internae ossis frontalis
subdivision of internal surface of frontal bone
57120 | 438 | part |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris ossis frontalis
groove of superior sagittal sinus of frontal bone
57131 | 444 | part |
facies orbitalis ossis frontalis
orbital surface of frontal bone
57395 | 10759 |
superficies orbitalis divisionis ossis frontalis
orbital surface of subdivision of frontal bone
57396 | 447 | part |
fossa glandulae lacrimalis ossis frontalis
fossa of lacrimal gland of frontal bone ; lacrimal fossa
57399 | 446 | part |
fovea trochlearis
trochlear fovea
57388 | 449 | part |
incisura ethmoidalis ossis frontalis
ethmoidal notch of frontal bone
81057 | 10742 |
divisio superficiei ossis parietalis
subdivision of surface of parietal bone
52792 | 409 | part |
facies externa ossis parietalis
external surface of parietal bone
52791 | 404 | part |
facies interna ossis parietalis
internal surface of parietal bone
57090 | 10760 |
divisio faciei internae ossis parietalis
subdivision of internal surface of parietal bone
57100 | 405 | part |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis parietalis
sulcus of sigmoid sinus of parietal bone
57108 | 406 | part |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris ossis parietalis
sulcus of superior sagittal sinus of parietal bone
57111 | 407 | part |
sulcus arteriae meningeae mediae ossis parietalis
sulcus of middle meningeal artery of parietal bone
57114 | 408 | part |
sulcus rami arteriae meningeae mediae ossis parietalis
sulcus of branch of middle meningeal artery of parietal bone
75745 | 10743 |
divisio superficiei ossis occipitalis
subdivision of surface of occipital bone
81023 | 471 | part |
incisura jugularis ossis occipitalis
jugular notch of occipital bone
81054 | 10744 |
divisio superficiei ossis temporalis
subdivision of surface of temporal bone
314557 | 326 | part |
fossa temporalis
temporal fossa
55499 | 549 | part |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis temporalis
sulcus of sigmoid sinus of temporal bone
55496 | 550 | part |
sulcus arteriae occipitalis ossis temporalis
sulcus of occipital artery of temporal bone ; occipital groove of temporal bone
56418 | 577 | part |
fossa subarcuata ossis temporalis
subarcuate fossa of temporal bone
56466 | 601 | part |
sulcus tympanicus ossis temporalis
tympanic sulcus of temporal bone
55949 | 571 | part |
impressio trigeminalis
trigeminal impression
55988 | 568 | part |
sulcus nervi petrosi majoris
groove of greater petrous nerve
55977 | 570 | part |
sulcus nervi petrosi minoris
groove of lesser petrous nerve
56458 | 582 | part |
incisura jugularis ossis temporalis
jugular notch of temporal bone
56429 | 584 | part |
fossa jugularis ossis temporalis
jugular fossa of temporal bone
56458 | 588 | part |
incisura jugularis partis petrosae
jugular notch of petrous part
75324 | 621 | part |
facies cerebralis partis squamosae
cerebral face of squamous part
59174 | 10745 |
divisio superficiei ossis palatini
subdivision of surface of palatine bone
81053 | 10746 |
divisio superficiei ossis sphenoidalis
subdivision of surface of sphenoid
81058 | 10749 |
divisio superficiei ossis nasalis
subdivision of surface of nasal bone
81059 | 10750 |
divisio superficiei conchae nasalis inferioris
subdivision of surface of inferior nasal concha
57706 | 10754 |
divisio superficiei maxillae
subdivision of surface of maxilla
57694 | 658 | part |
facies orbitalis maxillae
orbital surface of maxilla
57697 | 662 | part |
facies anterior maxillae
anterior surface of maxilla
57703 | 672 | part |
facies nasalis maxillae
nasal surface of maxilla
57700 | 668 | part |
facies infratemporalis maxillae
infratemporal surface of maxilla
57746 | 660 | part |
sulcus infraorbitalis
infraorbital groove
56762 | 664 | part |
fossa canina maxillae
canine fossa of maxilla
57712 | 673 | part |
sulcus lacrimalis maxillae
lacrimal groove of maxilla
57762 | 677 | part |
sulcus palatinus major maxillae
greater palatine groove of maxilla
57762 | 689 | part |
sulcus palatinus
palatine groove
56760 | 2384 | part |
stria canina
canine stria
59218 | 10755 |
divisio superficiei ossis zygomatici
subdivision of surface of zygomatic bone
59219 | 716 | part |
facies lateralis ossis zygomatici
lateral surface of zygomatic bone
59223 | 717 | part |
facies temporalis ossis zygomatici
temporal surface of zygomatic bone
59226 | 718 | part |
facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici
orbital surface of zygomatic bone
59427 | 10756 |
divisio superficiei mandibulae
subdivision of surface of mandible
59435 | 740 | part |
fovea submandibularis
submandibular fossa
59444 | 734 | part |
fossa digastrica mandibulae
digastric fossa of mandible
59434 | 739 | part |
fovea sublingualis
sublingual fossa
59426 | 731 | part |
tuberculum mentale mandibulae
mental tubercle of mandible
59448 | 756 | part |
sulcus mylohyoideus mandibulae
mylohyoid sulcus of mandible
59462 | 17038 |
superficies rami mandibulae
surface of branch of mandible
59478 | 763 | part |
fovea pterygoidea mandibulae
pterygoid fovea of mandible
54960 | 612 | part |
foveola suprameatalis ; foveola suprameatalis
suprameatal fovea; suprameatal triangle
75313 | 614 | part |
fossa mandibularis ossis temporalis
mandibular fossa of temporal bone
75784 | 747 | part |
trigonum retromolare
retromolar trigone
75315 | 748 | part |
fossa retromolaris mandibulae
retromolar fossa of mandible
75310 | 469 | part |
fossa condylaris ossis occipitalis
condylar fossa of occipital bone
75314 | 615 | part |
facies articularis ossis temporalis
articular surface of temporal bone
65932 | 17141 |
regio superficiei ossis sacri T4 5 children
region of surface of sacrum
31730 | 834 | part |
facies auricularis ossis sacri
auricular surface of sacrum
31718 | 836 | part |
facies pelvica ossis sacri
pelvic face of sacrum
31719 | 840 | part |
facies dorsalis ossis sacri
dorsal face of sacrum
45791 | 293 |
76921 | 7171 | part |
fossula fenestrae vestibuli ; fossula fenestrae ovalis
fossa of vestibular window ; fossa of oval window; oval window niche
76922 | 7177 | part |
fossula fenestrae cochlearis
fossa of cochlear window ; round window niche
76923 | 7186 | part |
fossa incudis
fossa of incus
38338 | 16179 |
regio superficiei pulmonis T4 17 children
region of surface of lung
7321 | 2968 | part |
facies costalis pulmonis
costal surface of lung
7320 | 2972 | part |
facies diaphragmatica pulmonis
diaphragmatic surface of lung
7323 | 16159↓ | part |
facies medialis pulmonis
medial face of lung
18145 | 16181 |
regio faciei medialis
medial region of face
7325 | 2971 | part |
impressio cardiaca partis mediastinalis
cardiac impression of mediastinal part
26286 | 16180 |
superficies regionis lobi pulmonis
surface of region of lobe of lung
7327 | 2973 | part |
facies interlobaris pulmonis
interlobar surface of lung
7568 | 890 | part |
sulcus pulmonalis
pulmonary sulcus
12219 | 17913 |
sulcus superficiei pulmonis
groove of surface of lung
13156 | 872 | part |
sulcus arteriae subsubclaviae costae primae
groove of subclavian artery of first rib
75073 | 873 | part |
sulcus venae subclaviae costae primae
groove of subclavian vein of first rib
55319 | 16236 |
regio superficiei organi cartilaginis T4 21 children
region of surface of cartilage organ
55326 | 16237 |
regio superficiei cartilaginis thyroideae
region of surface of thyroid cartilage
55281 | 16238 |
incisura thyroidea
thyroid notch
55279 | 2828 | part |
incisura thyroidea superior
superior thyroid notch
55280 | 2829 | part |
incisura thyroidea inferior
inferior thyroid notch
55320 | 18016 |
regio superficiei cartilaginis cricoideae
region of surface of cricoid cartilage
55317 | 2845 | part |
facies articularis arytenoidea
arytenoid articular surface
55318 | 2846 | part |
facies articularis thyroidea
thyroid articular surface
55334 | 18019 |
regio superficiei cartilaginis arytenoideae
region of surface of arytenoid cartilage
55352 | 2857 | part |
crista arcuata cartilaginis arytenoideae
arcuate crest of arytenoid cartilage
76912 | 2859 | part |
fovea oblonga cartilaginis arytenoideae
oblong fovea of arytenoid cartilage
76913 | 2860 | part |
fovea triangularis cartilaginis arytenoideae
triangular fovea of arytenoid cartilage
66265 | 16272 |
regio superficiei renis T4 7 children
region of surface of kidney
37328 | 16273 |
regio superficiei externae renis
region of external surface of kidney
15589 | 3046 | part |
facies anterior renis
anterior surface of kidney
15590 | 3047 | part |
facies posterior renis
posterior surface of kidney
18590 | 16332 |
regio superficiei ovarii ♀ T4 6 children
region of surface of ovary ♀
18594 | 3147 | part |
facies medialis ovarii ♀
medial surface of ovary ♀
18597 | 3148 | part |
facies lateralis ovarii ♀
lateral surface of ovary ♀
37342 | 10274 |
regio superficiei uteri ♀ T4 2 children
region of surface of uterus ♀
17770 | 3182 | part |
facies intestinalis uteri ♀ ; facies posterior uteri ♀
intestinal face of uterus ♀ ; posterior face of uterus ♀
17769 | 3184 | part |
facies vesicalis uteri ♀ ; facies anterior uteri ♀
vesical surface of uterus ♀; anterior surface of uterus ♀
19890 | 16413 |
regio superficiei testis ♂ T4 6 children
region of surface of testis ♂
19899 | 3276 | part |
facies lateralis testis ♂
lateral surface of testis ♂
19897 | 3277 | part |
facies medialis testis ♂
medial surface of testis ♂
265259 | 15250 |
fossa navicularis urethrae T4 2 children
navicular fossa of urethra
19722 | 3405 | part |
fossa navicularis urethrae masculinae ♂
navicular fossa of male urethra ♂
265261 | 17615 |
fossa navicularis urethrae femininae ♀
navicular fossa of female urethra ♀
19589 | 16496 |
regio superficiei prostatae ♂ T4 8 children
region of surface of prostate ♂
19591 | 3338 | part |
facies anterior prostatae ♂
anterior surface of prostate ♂
19592 | 3339 | part |
facies posterior prostatae ♂
posterior surface of prostate ♂
19596 | 3340 | part |
facies lateralis prostatae ♂
lateral surface of prostate ♂
16453 | part |
facies posterolateralis prostatae ♂
posterolateral surface of prostate ♂
16528 | 16576 |
regio superficiei sacci peritonei T4 13 children
region of surface of pouch of peritoneum
21030 | 3529 | part |
fossa ovarica peritonei urogenitalis ♀
ovarian fossa of urogenital peritoneum ♀
21051 | 3514 | part |
fossa supravesicalis peritonei abdominis
supravesical fossa of abdominal peritoneum
21021 | 16577 |
fossa inguinalis
inguinal fossa
21022 | 3516 | part |
fossa inguinalis medialis
medial inguinal fossa
21023 | 3519 | part |
fossa inguinalis lateralis
lateral inguinal fossa
37341 | 16614 |
regio superficiei glandulae suprarenalis T4 9 children
region of surface of suprarenal gland
15635 | 3558 | part |
facies anterior glandulae suprarenalis
anterior face of suprarenal gland
15636 | 3559 | part |
facies posterior glandulae suprarenalis
posterior face of suprarenal gland
15637 | 3560 | part |
facies renalis glandulae suprarenalis
renal face of suprarenal gland
37330 | 16626 |
regio superficiei splenis T4 6 children
region of surface of spleen
15828 | 4876 | part |
facies diaphragmatica splenis ; facies diaphragmatica lienalis
diaphragmatic surface of spleen
15829 | 4877 | part |
facies visceralis splenis ; facies visceralis lienalis
visceral surface of spleen
15839 | 4878 | part |
facies renalis splenis ; facies renalis lienalis
renal impression
15837 | 4879 | part |
facies gastrica splenis ; facies gastrica lienalis
gastric impression
15838 | 4880 | part |
facies colica splenis ; facies colica lienalis
colic impression
15840 | 4881 | part |
(facies pancreatica splenis ; facies pancreatica lienalis)
(pancreatic impression)
66340 | 17763 |
regio superficiei tonsillae T4 8 children
region of surface of tonsil
55044 | 17764 |
crypta tonsillae
crypt of tonsil
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypta tonsillae palatinae
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
76591 | 2467 | part |
crypta tonsillae pharyngeae
crypt of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar crypt of pharynx
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypta tonsillae palatinae
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypta tonsillae palatinae
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
55043 | 17765 |
fossula tonsillae
fossa of tonsil
76578 | 2451 | part |
fossula tonsillae palatinae
pit of palatine tonsil; tonsillar pit
268974 | 2466 | part |
fossula tonsillae pharyngeae
pit of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar pit of pharynx
65540 | 17815 |
regio superficiei globi oculi T4 12 children
region of surface of eyeball
7742 | part |
zona pupillaris iridis
pupillary zone of iris
7758 | part |
crypta pupillae
pupillary crypt
7489 | part |
zona ciliaris iridis
ciliary zone of iris
7490 | part |
crypta iridis
crypt of iris
20054 | 18130 |
regio superficiei internae canalis analis
region of internal surface of anal canal
15715 | 2656 | part |
sulcus intersphinctericus
intersphincteric groove
18141 | 18135 |
regio superficiei hepatis T4 20 children
region of surface of liver
15729 | 2659 | part |
facies diaphragmatica hepatis
diaphragmatic face of liver
14479 | 2669 | part |
facies visceralis hepatis
visceral face of liver
17529 | 17808 |
regio superficiei diaphragmaticae hepatis
region of diaphragmatic surface of liver
14475 | 2660 | part |
pars superior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
superior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
14476 | 2662 | part |
pars anterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
anterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
14477 | 2663 | part |
pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
right part of diaphragmatic face of liver
14478 | 2664 | part |
pars posterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
posterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
14480 | 2665 | part |
area nuda faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
nude area of diaphragmatic face of liver
17535 | 18137 |
impressio hepatica
hepatic impression
14486 | 2675 | part |
impressio oesophagea hepatis
oesophageal impression of liver ▲
14487 | 2676 | part |
impressio gastrica hepatis
gastric impression of liver
14485 | 2677 | part |
impressio duodenalis hepatis
duodenal impression of liver
14484 | 2678 | part |
impressio colica hepatis
colic impression of liver
14488 | 2679 | part |
impressio renalis hepatis
renal impression of liver
14489 | 2680 | part |
impressio suprarenalis hepatis
suprarenal impression of liver
14494 | 2670 | part |
fossa vesicae biliaris ; fossa vesicae felleae
fossa for gallbladder
17536 | 18136 |
fissura hepatica
hepatic fissure
14491 | 2667 | part |
fissura ligamenti venosi
fissure for ligamentum venosum
75115 | 2671 | part |
fissura ligamenti teretis hepatis
fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
76678 | 2661 | part |
impressio cardiaca faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
cardiac impression of diaphragmatic face of liver
28610 | 18150 |
regio superficiei pancreatis T4 3 children
region of surface of pancreas
76675 | 2752 | part |
facies anterosuperior pancreatis
anterosuperior surface of pancreas
14523 | 2753 | part |
facies posterior pancreatis
posterior surface of pancreas
14524 | 2754 | part |
facies anteroinferior pancreatis
anteroinferior surface of pancreas
285652 | 18151 |
regio superficiei dentis
region of surface of tooth
56662 | 2342 | part |
fossa occlusalis coronae dentis ; fovea occlusalis
occlusal fossa of crown of tooth
77188 | 2386 | part |
fovea mesialis
mesial fovea
77189 | 2387 | part |
fovea distalis
distal fovea
62647 | 10504 |
superficies systematis organorum
surface of system of organs
29859 | 10505 |
divisio superficiei systematis organorum T3 14 children
subdivision of surface of system of organs
53123 | 10955 |
superficies cranii
surface of cranium
57117 | 10956 |
divisio superficiei cranii
subdivision of surface of cranium
57118 | 342 | part |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris calvariae
groove of superior sagittal sinus of calvaria
75339 | 356 | part |
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris basis cranii
groove of inferior petrous sinus of cranial base
53125 | 11050 |
superficies interna calvariae
internal surface of calvaria
53126 | 11051 |
superficies externa calvariae
external surface of calvaria
75311 | 488 | part |
fossa cerebralis ossis occipitalis
cerebral fossa of occipital bone
75312 | 489 | part |
fossa cerebellaris ossis occipitalis
cerebellar fossa of occipital bone
61691 | 10506 |
superficies complexus anatomici T3 12 children
surface of anatomical complex
27979 | 11262 |
superficies complexus divisionis organi
surface of complex of subdivision of organ
300051 | 364 | part |
fossa incisiva
incisive fossa
27976 | 16505 |
divisio superficiei penis ♂
subdivision of surface of penis ♂
19623 | 3360 | part |
dorsum penis ♂
dorsum of penis ♂
19624 | 3361 | part |
facies urethralis penis ♂
urethral surface of penis ♂
76617 | 174 | part |
(foveola coccygea )
(coccygeal foveola )
55041 | 2446 | part |
fossa tonsillaris ; sinus tonsillaris
tonsillar fossa ; tonsillar sinus ; tonsillar bed
55050 | 2447 | part |
fossa supratonsillaris
supratonsillar fossa
67640 | 10507 |
superficies textus
surface of tissue
67653 | 10508 |
superficies cellulae
surface of cell
62519 | 10509 |
superficies partis cellulae
surface of part of cell
242982 | 10499 |
planum anatomicum
anatomical plane
62532 | 16991 |
planum anatomicum ancorarium
anchored anatomical plane
74565 | 479 | part |
planum occipitale
occipital plane
9657 | 10183 |
linea anatomica T2 908 children
anatomical line
242999 | 10598 |
linea anatomica bona fide T3 738 children
bona fide anatomical line
256350 | 10914 |
linea anatomica neuraxis T4 7 children
anatomical line of neuraxis
22810 |
linea anatomica pachymeningis
anatomical line of pachymeninx
7808 | part |
plica petroclinoidea anterior
anterior petroclinoid fold
7809 | part |
plica petroclinoidea posterior
posterior petroclinoid fold
53131 | 10915 |
linea anatomica cranii T4 147 children
anatomical line of cranium
53092 | 10916 |
margo anatomicus ossis cranii
anatomical border of bone of cranium
53097 | 429 | part |
margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis
supraorbital margin of frontal bone
53097 | 375 | part |
margo superior orbitae
superior margin of orbit
75757 | 493 | part |
limbus sphenoidalis
sphenoidal limbus
53093 | 413 | part |
margo occipitalis ossis parietalis
occipital border of parietal bone
53094 | 414 | part |
margo squamosus ossis parietalis
squamous border of parietal bone
53095 | 415 | part |
margo sagittalis ossis parietalis
sagittal border of parietal bone
53096 | 416 | part |
margo frontalis ossis parietalis
frontal border of parietal bone
55490 | 546 | part |
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis
occipital margin of temporal bone
55484 | 605 | part |
margo parietalis ossis temporalis
parietal border of temporal bone
55487 | 607 | part |
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis
sphenoidal border of temporal bone
57721 | 665 | part |
incisura nasalis
nasal notch
57734 | 675 | part |
margo lacrimalis maxillae
lacrimal border of maxilla
284981 | 17034 |
margo anatomicus mandibulae
anatomical border of mandible
59459 | 750 | part |
angulus mandibulae
angle of mandible
59481 | 759 | part |
incisura mandibulae
mandibular notch
53098 | 433 | part |
margo parietalis ossis frontalis
parietal border of frontal bone
53099 | 448 | part |
margo sphenoidalis ossis frontalis
sphenoidal border of frontal bone
53175 | 10917 |
margo anatomicus divisionum systematis skeletalis capitis
anatomical border of subdivisions of skeletal system of head
53176 | 374 | part |
margo orbitalis
orbital margin
53177 | 376 | part |
margo inferior orbitae
inferior margin of orbit
53178 | 377 | part |
margo lateralis orbitae
lateral margin of orbit
53179 | 378 | part |
margo medialis orbitae
medial margin of orbit
54808 | 13551 |
margo alae majoris
border of greater wing
53510 | 521 | part |
margo frontalis alae majoris
frontal margin of greater wing
53511 | 522 | part |
margo parietalis alae majoris
parietal margin of greater wing
53513 | 523 | part |
margo squamosus alae majoris
squamosal margin of greater wing
53512 | 520 | part |
margo zygomaticus alae majoris
zygomatic margin of greater wing
53177 | 661 | part |
margo infraorbitalis maxillae
infraorbital margin of maxilla
57422 | 442 | part |
margo nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal border of frontal bone
57424 | 410 | part |
linea temporalis superior ossis parietalis
superior temporal line of parietal bone
57427 | 411 | part |
linea temporalis inferior ossis parietalis
inferior temporal line of parietal bone
327537 | 16881 |
angulus ossis parietalis
angle of parietal bone
57430 | 417 | part |
angulus frontalis ossis parietalis
frontal angle of parietal bone
57433 | 418 | part |
angulus occipitalis ossis parietalis
occipital angle of parietal bone
57436 | 419 | part |
angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone
57439 | 420 | part |
angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis
mastoid angle of parietal bone
75041 | 463 | part |
margo mastoideus
mastoid border
75042 | 464 | part |
margo lambdoideus
lambdoid border
53106 | 476 | part |
linea nuchalis suprema
supreme nuchal line ; highest nuchal line
53108 | 477 | part |
linea nuchalis superior
superior nuchal line
53111 | 478 | part |
linea nuchalis inferior
inferior nuchal line
75043 | 482 | part |
(crista occipitalis interna )
(internal occipital crest )
59229 | 700 | part |
incisura sphenopalatina
sphenopalatine notch
55502 | 572 | part |
margo superior partis petrosae ; crista petrosa
superior border of petrous part ; petrous ridge
55505 | 580 | part |
margo posterior partis petrosae
posterior border of petrous part
54953 | 609 | part |
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae ossis temporalis
sulcus of middle temporal artery of temporal bone
55463 | 617 | part |
fissura petrotympanica
petrotympanic fissure
55466 | 618 | part |
fissura petrosquamosa
petrosquamous fissure
55460 | 619 | part |
fissura tympanosquamosa
tympanosquamous fissure
55469 | 620 | part |
fissura tympanomastoidea
tympanomastoid fissure
53119 | 737 | part |
linea mylohyoidea mandibulae
mylohyoid line of mandible
57390 | 430 | part |
incisura supraorbitalis
supraorbital notch
431 | part |
incisura frontalis
frontal notch
75040 | 434 | part |
linea temporalis ossis frontalis
temporal line of frontal bone
58141 | 9872 |
linea anatomica globi oculi T4 44 children
anatomical line of eyeball
327513 | 9887 |
axis globi oculi
axis of eyeball
58292 | 6886 | part |
axis bulbi externus
external axis of eyeball
58293 | 6887 | part |
axis bulbi internus
internal axis of eyeball
327510 | 11860 |
margo iridis
border of iris
58507 | 6933 | part |
margo pupillaris iridis
pupillary border of iris
58508 | 6934 | part |
margo ciliaris iridis
ciliary border of iris
58513 | 6939 | part |
plica iridis
fold of iris
7491 | part |
plica circularis iridis
circular fold of iris
7492 | part |
plica radialis iridis
radial fold of iris
58113 | 6937 | part |
anulus iridis major
greater ring of iris ; outer border of iris
58328 | 6938 | part |
anulus iridis minor
lesser ring of iris ; inner border of iris
324033 | 7488 | part |
catella iridis
collarette of iris
76439 | 6924 | part |
plica ciliaris
ciliary plicae
58142 | 6884 | part |
equator globi oculi
equator of eyeball
58141 | 6885 | part |
58600 | 6954 | part |
ora serrata retinae
ora serrata of retina
58163 | 6888 | part |
axis opticus globi oculi
optic axis of eyeball
58907 | 7010 | part |
axis lentis
axis of lens
58910 | 7011 | part |
equator lentis
equator of lens
7012 | part |
radius lentis
radius of lens
58770 | 2158 | part |
margo falciformis ; margo arcuatus
falciform border
65137 | 12778 |
linea anatomica hepatis T4 5 children
anatomical line of liver
75117 | 2691 | part |
fissura umbilicalis
umbilical fissure
75118 | 2692 | part |
fissura portalis principalis
main portal fissure
75119 | 2693 | part |
fissura portalis dextra
right portal fissure
14482 | 2681 | part |
margo inferior hepatis
inferior border of liver
14493 | 2682 | part |
incisura ligamenti teretis hepatis
notch of round ligament of liver
19929 | 1898 | part |
linea semilunaris
semilunar line
66291 | 16033 |
linea anatomica gastris T4 4 children
anatomical line of stomach
19963 | 16034 |
divisio curvaturae minoris gastris
subdivision of lesser curvature of stomach
14573 | 2531 | part |
incisura angularis
angular notch
19965 | 16051 |
divisio curvaturae majoris gastris
subdivision of greater curvature of stomach
14576 | 2536 | part |
incisura cardiaca
cardiac notch ; cardial notch
66260 | 16182 |
linea anatomica pulmonis T4 2 children
anatomical line of lung
7328 | 2974 | part |
margo anterior pulmonis
anterior border of lung
7329 | 2976 | part |
margo inferior pulmonis
inferior border of lung
16944 | 1033 | part |
incisura acetabuli
acetabular notch
65160 | 13550 |
linea anatomica ossis
anatomical line of bone
66135 | 13734 |
linea anatomica ossis longi
anatomical line of long bone
66069 | 13735 |
linea anatomica humeri T4 18 children
anatomical line of humerus
75075 | 945 | part |
margo medialis corporis humeri
medial border of shaft of humerus
75077 | 948 | part |
margo lateralis corporis humeri
lateral border of shaft of humerus
74573 | 937 | part |
sulcus intertubercularis humeri
intertubercular sulcus of humerus ; bicipital groove of humerus
75076 | 946 | part |
crista supraepicondylaris medialis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris medialis corporis humeri
medial supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; medial supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75078 | 949 | part |
crista supraepicondylaris lateralis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris lateralis corporis humeri
lateral supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; lateral supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75815 | 947 | part |
(processus supracondylaris corporis humeri )
(supracondylar process of shaft of humerus )
66188 | 20907 |
linea anatomica femoris T4 16 children
anatomical line of femur
43712 | 1110 | part |
linea intertrochanterica femoris
intertrochanteric line of femur
20909 |
linea supracondylaris corporis femoris
supracondylar line of body of femur
43736 | 1120 | part |
linea supracondylaris medialis
medial supracondylar line
43737 | 1121 | part |
linea supracondylaris lateralis
lateral supracondylar line
43724 | 1117 | part |
linea pectinea corporis femoris
pectineal line of body of femur ; spiral line of body of femur
75100 | 1111 | part |
crista intertrochanterica femoris
intertrochanteric crest of femur
66159 | 17668 |
linea anatomica ulnae T4 15 children
anatomical line of ulna
39685 | 990 | part |
margo interosseus corporis ulnae
interosseous border of shaft of ulna
75084 | 991 | part |
margo anterior corporis ulnae
anterior border of shaft of ulna
75085 | 992 | part |
margo posterior corporis ulnae
posterior border of shaft of ulna
75086 | 993 | part |
crista musculi supinatoris
supinator crest
75087 | 995 | part |
circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae
articular circumference of head of ulna
66141 | 17919 |
linea anatomica radii T4 15 children
anatomical line of radius
39682 | 971 | part |
margo interosseus radii
interosseous border of radius
75084 | 972 | part |
margo anterior radii
anterior border of radius
75085 | 973 | part |
margo posterior radii
posterior border of radius
75081 | 975 | part |
crista suprastyloidea radii
suprastyloid crest of radius
75082 | 978 | part |
incisura ulnaris radii
ulnar notch of radius
66199 | 17943 |
linea anatomica tibiae T4 12 children
anatomical line of tibia
43773 | 1150 | part |
linea musculi solei
soleal line
75102 | 1152 | part |
margo anterior tibiae
anterior border of tibia
75103 | 1153 | part |
margo medialis tibiae
medial border of tibia
75104 | 1154 | part |
margo interosseus tibiae
interosseous border of tibia
66205 | 17950 |
linea anatomica fibulae T4 6 children
anatomical line of fibula
43873 | 1169 | part |
crista medialis fibulae
medial crest of fibula
75106 | 1170 | part |
margo anterior fibulae
anterior border of fibula
75107 | 1171 | part |
margo interosseus fibulae
interosseous border of fibula
75108 | 1172 | part |
margo posterior fibulae
posterior border of fibula
66136 | 17148 |
linea anatomica ossis plani
anatomical line of flat bone
66060 | 17149 |
linea anatomica scapulae T4 15 children
anatomical line of scapula
63549 | 907 | part |
margo medialis scapulae
medial border of scapula
63548 | 908 | part |
margo lateralis scapulae
lateral border of scapula
63553 | 909 | part |
margo superior scapulae
superior border of scapula
17368 | part |
incisura superior scapulae
superior scapular notch
17369 | part |
incisura inferior scapulae
inferior scapular notch
66125 | 17895 |
linea anatomica sterni T4 2 children
anatomical line of sternum
7547 | 881 | part |
angulus sterni
sternal angle
7573 | 893 | part |
angulus infrasternalis caveae thoracicae
infrasternal angle of thoracic cage ; subcostal angle of thoracic cage
66076 | 17114 |
linea anatomica costae T4 75 children
anatomical line of rib
7589 | 866 | part |
angulus costae
angle of rib
7608 | 13103 | part |
angulus costae primae
angle of first rib
7630 | 13161 | part |
angulus costae secundae
angle of second rib
7711 | 22452 | part |
angulus costae tertiae
angle of third rib
7761 | 11432 | part |
angulus costae quartae
angle of fourth rib
7788 | 11461 | part |
angulus costae quintae
angle of fifth rib
7815 | 17115 | part |
angulus costae sextae
angle of sixth rib
7842 | 17116 | part |
angulus costae septimae
angle of seventh rib
8132 | 17117 | part |
angulus costae octavae
angle of eighth rib
8349 | 17118 | part |
angulus costae nonae
angle of ninth rib
8430 | 17119 | part |
angulus costae decimae
angle of tenth rib
8520 | 17120 | part |
angulus costae undecimae
angle of eleventh rib
75072 | 868 | part |
crista corporis costae
crest of body of rib
13110 | part |
crista corporis costae primae
crest of body of first rib
13169 | part |
crista corporis costae secundae
crest of body of second rib
11437 | part |
crista corporis costae quartae
crest of body of fourth rib
22460 | part |
crista corporis costae tertiae
crest of body of third rib
11488 | part |
crista corporis costae quintae
crest of body of fifth rib
17127 | part |
crista corporis costae sextae
crest of body of sixth rib
17128 | part |
crista corporis costae septimae
crest of body of seventh rib
17129 | part |
crista corporis costae octavae
crest of body of eighth rib
17130 | part |
crista corporis costae nonae
crest of body of ninth rib
17131 | part |
crista corporis costae decimae
crest of body of tenth rib
17132 | part |
crista corporis costae undecimae
crest of body of eleventh rib
17133 | part |
crista corporis costae duodecimae
crest of body of twelfth rib
75050 | 534 | part |
incisura pterygoidea
pterygoid notch
75088 | 1042 | part |
linea arcuata ossis ilii
arcuate line of ilium
57683 | 653 | part |
sulcus vomeris
vomerine sulcus
57650 | 649 | part |
sulcus ethmoidalis ossis nasalis
ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone
75057 | 639 | part |
hiatus semilunaris
semilunar hiatus
75053 | 596 | part |
anulus tympanicus
tympanic ring
75044 | 606 | part |
incisura parietalis
parietal notch
75060 | 681 | part |
incisura lacrimalis
lacrimal notch
17988 |
curvatura columnae vertebralis T4 6 children
curvature of vertebral column
75067 | 770 | part |
curvatura primaria columnae vertebralis
primary curvature of vertebral column
75787 | 771 | part |
kyphosis thoracica columnae vertebralis
thoracic kyphosis of vertebral column
75788 | 772 | part |
kyphosis sacralis columnae vertebralis
sacral kyphosis of vertebral column
75789 | 773 | part |
curvatura secundaria columnae vertebralis
secondary curvature of vertebral column
75790 | 774 | part |
lordosis cervicalis columnae vertebralis ; lordosis colli
cervical lordosis of vertebral column
75791 | 775 | part |
lordosis lumbalis columnae vertebralis
lumbar lordosis of vertebral column
31810 | 837 | part |
linea transversa ossis sacri
transverse line of sacrum
75089 | 17193 |
linea anatomica pelvis T4 2 children
anatomical line of pelvis
75091 | 1085 | part |
linea terminalis pelvis
linea terminalis of pelvis; terminal line of pelvis
75090 | 1082 | part |
angulus subpubicus
subpubic angle
75054 | 7148 | part |
incisura tympanica
tympanic notch
13448 |
linea anatomica vertebrae T4 179 children
anatomical line of vertebra
75068 | 796 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis ; uncus corporis vertebrae cervicalis
uncinate process of cervical vertebra ; uncus of body of cervical vertebra
10686 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
uncinate process of third cervical vertebra
10692 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis quartae
uncinate process of fourth cervical vertebra
10698 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis quintae
uncinate process of fifth cervical vertebra
10703 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis sextae
uncinate process of sixth cervical vertebra
10706 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae prominentis
uncinate process of vertebra prominens
10690 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis tertii
sulcus of third cervical nerve
75069 | 801 | part |
sulcus vertebrae cervicalis
sulcus of cervical vertebra
10702 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis quinti
sulcus of fifth cervical nerve
10705 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis sexti
sulcus of sixth cervical nerve
10710 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis septimi
sulcus of seventh cervical nerve
75070 | 810 | part |
sulcus arteriae vertebralis atlantis
groove of vertebral artery of atlas
13613 | 21050 |
incisura vertebralis
vertebral notch
13614 | 786 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior
superior vertebral notch
24704 | 21054 |
incisura superior vertebrae cervicalis
superior notch of cervical vertebra
24766 | 10677 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third cervical vertebra
26515 | 13290 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth cervical vertebra
26518 | 13306 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth cervical vertebra
26519 | 13327 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
superior vertebral notch of sixth cervical vertebra
25520 | 15015 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae prominentis
superior vertebral notch of vertebra prominens
21258 |
incisura superior vertebrae thoracicae
superior notch of thoracic vertebra
14996 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior vertebral notch of first thoracic vertebra
21466 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior vertebral notch of second thoracic vertebra
21522 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third thoracic vertebra
21802 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth thoracic vertebra
21578 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth thoracic vertebra
21858 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior vertebral notch of sixth thoracic vertebra
21634 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior vertebral notch of seventh thoracic vertebra
21914 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior vertebral notch of eighth thoracic vertebra
21690 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior vertebral notch of ninth thoracic vertebra
21970 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior vertebral notch of tenth thoracic vertebra
21746 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
superior vertebral notch of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22026 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
superior vertebral notch of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21259 |
incisura superior vertebrae lumbalis
superior notch of lumbar vertebra
22082 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae
superior vertebral notch of first lumbar vertebra
22142 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
superior vertebral notch of second lumbar vertebra
22202 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third lumbar vertebra
22262 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth lumbar vertebra
22322 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth lumbar vertebra
65547 | 787 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior
inferior vertebral notch
26527 | 15024 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior axis
inferior vertebral notch of axis
24705 | 21055 |
incisura inferior vertebrae cervicalis
inferior notch of cervical vertebra
24768 | 10678 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third cervical vertebra
26528 | 13291 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth cervical vertebra
26529 | 13307 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth cervical vertebra
26530 | 13328 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
inferior vertebral notch of sixth cervical vertebra
26531 | 15016 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae prominentis
inferior vertebral notch of vertebra prominens
21260 |
incisura inferior vertebrae thoracicae
inferior notch of thoracic vertebra
14997 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior vertebral notch of first thoracic vertebra
21470 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior vertebral notch of second thoracic vertebra
21526 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third thoracic vertebra
21806 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth thoracic vertebra
21582 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth thoracic vertebra
21862 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior vertebral notch of sixth thoracic vertebra
21638 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior vertebral notch of seventh thoracic vertebra
21918 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior vertebral notch of eighth thoracic vertebra
21694 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior vertebral notch of ninth thoracic vertebra
21974 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior vertebral notch of tenth thoracic vertebra
21750 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
inferior vertebral notch of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22030 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
inferior vertebral notch of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21261 |
incisura inferior vertebrae lumbalis
inferior notch of lumbar vertebra
22086 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae
inferior vertebral notch of first lumbar vertebra
22146 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
inferior vertebral notch of body of second lumbar vertebra
22206 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third lumbar vertebra
22266 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth lumbar vertebra
22326 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth lumbar vertebra
75795 | 823 | part |
(processus uncinatus vertebrae thoracicae primae )
(uncinate process of first thoracic vertebra )
75109 | 1212 | part |
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi; sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle of calcaneus; groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle of calcaneus
75110 | 1221 | part |
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi; sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle; groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle
54650 | 2411 | part |
margo linguae
border of tongue
43525 | 1031 | part |
limbus acetabuli ; margo acetabuli
acetabular margin
16911 | 1065 | part |
incisura ischiadica minor
lesser sciatic notch
16902 | 1037 | part |
incisura ischiadica major
greater sciatic notch; greater isciatic notch
75112 | 2302 | part |
margo gingivalis
gingival border
15921 | 16271 |
linea anatomica renalis T4 6 children
renal anatomical line
15599 | 3042 | part |
margo lateralis renis
lateral border of kidney
15598 | 3043 | part |
margo medialis renis
medial border of kidney
66290 | 16333 |
linea anatomica ovarii ♀ T4 5 children
anatomical line of ovary ♀
75125 | 3149 | part |
margo liber ovarii ♀
free border of ovary ♀
75126 | 3150 | part |
margo mesovaricus ♀
mesovarian border ♀
15634 | 16615 |
linea anatomica glandulae suprarenalis T4 6 children
anatomical line of suprarenal gland
75131 | 3561 | part |
margo superior glandulae suprarenalis
superior border of suprarenal gland
75132 | 3562 | part |
margo medialis glandulae suprarenalis
medial border of suprarenal gland
65135 | 16628 |
margo anatomicus splenis T4 2 children
anatomical border of spleen
15836 | 4884 | part |
margo inferior splenis ; margo inferior lienalis
inferior border of spleen
15835 | 4885 | part |
margo superior splenis ; margo superior lienalis
superior border of spleen
57926 | 16846 |
linea anatomica dentis T4 8 children
anatomical line of tooth
16708 | part |
crista coronae dentis
crest of crown of tooth
56658 | 2338 | part |
crista transversalis
transverse crest ; transverse ridge
56659 | 2339 | part |
crista triangularis
triangular crest
56660 | 2340 | part |
crista obliqua
oblique crest
56758 | 2369 | part |
crista marginalis
marginal crest
57045 | 2370 | part |
margo incisalis
incisive border
62173 | 17366 |
linea anatomica cutis T4 3 children
anatomical line of skin
72014 | 7384 | part |
sulcus cutis
skin sulcus
71952 | 7389 | part |
linea distractionis
tension line; cleavage line
67819 | 7393 | part |
papilla dermidis
papilla of dermis
60700 | 11170 |
margo unguis T4 7 children
border of nail
60701 | 7418 | part |
margo occultus unguis
hidden border of nail
60702 | 7419 | part |
margo lateralis unguis
lateral border of nail
60703 | 7420 | part |
margo liber unguis
free border of nail
59116 | 17869 |
linea anatomica palpebrae T4 24 children
anatomical line of eyelid
59356 | 17870 |
margo palpebralis
palpebral border
59340 | 7064 |
anterior palpebral margin
59357 | 8416 | part |
limbus anterior palpebrae superioris
superior anterior palpebral margin
59358 | 7613 | part |
limbus anterior palpebrae inferioris
inferior anterior palpebral margin
59341 | 7065 |
posterior palpebral margin
59342 | 7592 | part |
limbus posterior palpebrae superioris
superior posterior palpebral margin
59344 | 7614 | part |
limbus posterior palpebrae inferioris
inferior posterior palpebral margin
59370 | 7057 | part |
rima palpebronasalis
palpebronasal fold; medial canthic fold
59321 | 7062 | part |
angulus lateralis oculi
lateral angle of eye ; lateral canthus of eye
59322 | 7063 | part |
angulus medialis oculi
medial angle of eye ; medial canthus of eye
61171 | 17884 |
linea anatomica auriculae T4 9 children
anatomical line of auricle
61181 | 7126 | part |
incisura terminalis auriculae
terminal notch of auricle
61172 | 7119 | part |
incisura anterior
anterior notch
61175 | 7120 | part |
incisura intertragica
intertragicus notch
7569 | 891 | part |
arcus costalis
costal arch ; costal margin
55289 | 2832 | part |
linea obliqua cartilaginis thyroideae
oblique line of thyroid cartilage
49461 | 2652 | part |
linea anocutanea
anocutaneous line
65136 | 18149 |
linea anatomica pancreatis T4 4 children
anatomical line of pancreas
75120 | 2749 | part |
incisura pancreatis
pancreatic notch
14530 | 2755 | part |
margo superior pancreatis
superior border of pancreas
14531 | 2756 | part |
margo anterior pancreatis
anterior border of pancreas
14532 | 2757 | part |
margo inferior pancreatis
inferior border of pancreas
243001 | 10599 |
linea anatomica fiat T3 14 children
fiat anatomical line
7104 | 14755 |
linea anatomica cordis
anatomical line of heart
7138 | 14756 |
margo cordis
border of heart
75134 | 3619 | part |
margo dexter cordis
right border of heart
16922 | 1054 | part |
linea glutea anterior ossis ilii
anterior gluteal line of ilium
16928 | 1056 | part |
linea glutea inferior ossis ilii
inferior gluteal line of ilium
16925 | 1055 | part |
linea glutea posterior ossis ilii
posterior gluteal line of ilium
20234 | 219 | part |
crena interglutealis ; crena analis ; crena ani
intergluteal cleft ; natal cleft
29321 | 2653 | part |
linea pectinata
pectinate line ; dentate line
74584 | 7334 | part |
sulcus ampullaris
ampullary groove
9287 | 3656 | part |
sulcus terminalis cordis
terminal sulcus of heart
54790 | 2421 | part |
sulcus terminalis linguae
terminal groove of tongue
54835 | 2420 | part |
sulcus medianus linguae
median sulcus of tongue; midline groove of tongue
7541 | 879 | part |
incisura clavicularis sterni
clavicular notch of sternum
7542 | 880 | part |
incisura jugularis manubrii sterni
jugular notch of manubrium of sternum ; suprasternal notch of manubrium of sternum
74592 | 6113 | part |
taenia choroidea ventriculi lateralis
choroidal line of lateral ventricle ▲
16979 | 1073 | part |
pecten ossis pubis
pecten of pubis ; pectineal line of pubis
86019 | 3728 | part |
crista supravalvularis trunci pulmonalis
supravalvular ridge of pulmonary trunk; supravalvular crest of pulmonary trunk
3738 | 3772 | part |
crista supravalvularis aortae
supravalvular crest of aorta ; supravalvular crest of aorta
16919 | 1879 | part |
linea arcuata vaginae musculi recti abdominis
arcuate line of rectus sheath
20233 | 220 | part |
sulcus glutealis
gluteal fold
74591 | 5557 | part |
taenia cinerea ventriculi quarti
taenia cinerea; grey line of fourth ventricle ▲
55002 | 2477 | part |
crista palatopharyngea
palatopharyngeal ridge
55045 | 2450 | part |
(fissura tonsillaris ; fissura intratonsillaris)
(tonsillar cleft; intratonsillar cleft)
56790 | 7159 | part |
stria mallearis membranae tympanicae
mallear stria of tympanic membrane
74568 | 188 | part |
sulcus bicipitalis lateralis ; sulcus bicipitalis radialis
lateral bicipital groove; radial bicipital groove
74569 | 189 | part |
sulcus bicipitalis medialis ; sulcus bicipitalis ulnaris
medial bicipital groove; ulnar bicipital groove
74570 | 538 | part |
sulcus palatovaginalis
palatovaginal groove
74571 | 539 | part |
sulcus vomerovaginalis
vomerovaginal groove
74576 | 1011 | part |
sulcus carpi
carpal groove
74577 | 1040 | part |
sulcus supraacetabularis ossis ilii
supraacetabular groove of ilium
74578 | 1075 | part |
sulcus obturatus ossis pubis
obturator groove of pubis
74580 | 2304 | part |
sulcus gingivalis
gingival sulcus ; gingival groove
74585 | 280 |
linea epiphysialis
epiphysial line
74590 | 1130 | part |
linea intercondylaris femoris
intercondylar line of femur
74592 | 11923 |
taenia choroidea
choroid branch
75027 | 10607 |
linea anatomica pedis T3 21 children
anatomical line of foot
75028 | 242 | part |
margo lateralis pedis ; margo fibularis pedis
lateral border of foot ; fibular border of foot ; peroneal border of foot
75029 | 243 | part |
margo medialis pedis ; margo tibialis pedis
medial border of foot ; tibial border of foot
75030 | 244 | part |
arcus pedis longitudinalis
longitudinal arch of foot
75031 | 245 | part |
pars lateralis arcus pedis longitudinalis
lateral part of longitudinal arch of foot
75032 | 246 | part |
pars medialis arcus pedis longitudinalis
medial part of longitudinal arch of foot
75033 | 247 | part |
arcus transversus proximalis pedis
proximal transverse arch of foot
75034 | 248 | part |
arcus transversus distalis pedis
distal transverse arch of foot
82512 | 290 |
75036 | 292 |
75037 | 294 |
sulcus osseus
osseous sulcus
75038 | 350 | part |
fissura sphenopetrosa
sphenopetrous fissure ; petrosphenoidal fissure
75039 | 351 | part |
fissura petrooccipitalis
petrooccipital fissure
75143 | 7178 | part |
crista fenestrae cochlearis ; crista fenestrae rotundae
crest of cochlear window ; crest of round window
75338 | 541 | part |
sulcus hamuli pterygoidei
groove of pterygoid hook
75342 | 1127 | part |
sulcus popliteus femoris
groove of popliteal muscle
75381 | 198 | part |
margo radialis antebrachii ; margo lateralis antebrachii
radial border of forearm ; lateral border of forearm
75382 | 199 | part |
margo ulnaris antebrachii ; margo medialis antebrachii
ulnar border of forearm ; medial border of forearm
76627 | 330 | part |
fissura pterygomaxillaris
pterygomaxillary fissure
50595 | 291 |
75140 | 5979 | part |
margo superior hemispherii cerebri
superior border of cerebral hemisphere
75141 | 5980 | part |
margo inferomedialis hemispherii cerebri
inferomedial border of cerebral hemisphere
75142 | 5981 | part |
margo inferolateralis hemispherii cerebri
inferolateral border of cerebral hemisphere
75127 | 3181 | part |
margo uteri ♀
border of uterus ♀
75128 | 3278 | part |
margo anterior testis ♂
anterior border of testis ♂
75129 | 3279 | part |
margo posterior testis ♂
posterior border of testis ♂
71953 | 2399 | part |
curva occlusalis
occlusal curve
74586 | 929 | part |
linea trapezoidea
trapezoid line
77686 | 7151 | part |
incisura meatus acustici externi cartilaginei
fissure of cartilaginous external acoustic meatus
14073 | part |
crista pyramidalis
pyramidal crest ; pyramidal ridge
14075 | part |
crista chordalis ; chordiculus
chordal crest ; chordiculus ; chordal ridge
14077 | part |
crista styloidea
styloid ridge
14087 | part |
crista protympanica
protympanic crest
14085 | part |
75122 | 2898 | part |
incisura interarytenoidea
interarytenoid notch
16709 | part |
fissura coronae dentis
fissure of crown of tooth
75113 | 2341 | part |
fissura occlusalis coronae dentis
occlusal fissure of crown of tooth
16710 | part |
fissura longitudinalis
longitudinal fissure
16711 | part |
fissura transversa
transverse fissure
16712 | part |
fissura accessoria
accessory fissure
16713 | part |
fissura marginalis
marginal fissure
55264 | 7425 | part |
sulcus intermammarius
intermammary cleft
9658 | 10184 |
punctum anatomicum T2 41 children
anatomical punctum
284718 | 10523 |
punctum anatomicum capitis
anatomical punctum of head
264284 | 10524 |
punctum anatomicum cranii
anatomical punctum of cranium
55710 | 555 | part |
apex partis petrosae ossis temporalis
apex of petrous part of temporal bone
284715 | 10525 |
punctum anatomicum centrale cranii
midline anatomical point of cranium
264776 | 320 | part |
264773 | 321 | part |
264779 | 319 | part |
76624 | 322 | part |
75744 | 456 | part |
75743 | 455 | part |
46484 | 337 | part |
vertex cranii
vertex of cranium
46484 | 9620 | part |
vertex cranii
vertex of cranium
264720 | 323 | part |
76625 | 324 | part |
76626 | 325 | part |
13667 |
punctum anatomicum faciei
anatomical punctum of face
7319 | 2967 | part |
apex pulmonis
apex of lung
56808 | 7158 | part |
prominentia mallearis
mallear prominence
24090 | 815 | part |
apex dentis axis
apex of tooth of axis
58897 | 7006 | part |
polus anterior lentis
anterior pole of lens
58898 | 7007 | part |
polus posterior lentis
posterior pole of lens
31721 | 848 | part |
apex ossis sacri ; apex ossis sacralis
apex of sacrum
63000 | 18154 |
apex dentis
apex of tooth
56656 | 2335 | part |
apex cuspidis dentis
apex of cusp of tooth
55657 | 2356 | part |
apex radicis dentis
apex of root of tooth
20244 |
res incorporea aggregata
composite immaterial entity
10526 |
par rei incorporeae
pair of immaterial entity
71917 | 20245 |
classis rerum incorporearum
set of immaterial entities
71918 | 14010 |
classis spatii anatomici
set of anatomical space
77705 | 7257 | part |
macula cribrosa labyrinthi ossei
macula cribrosa
77722 | 7258↓ | part |
macula cribrosa superior
macula cribrosa superior
77723 | 7259 | part |
macula cribrosa media
macula cribrosa media
77724 | 7260 | part |
macula cribrosa inferior
macula cribrosa inferior
20246 |
par classium rerum incorporearum
pair of sets of immaterial entity
20247 |
par rerum incorporearum bigendrarum
pair of immaterial sexually dimorphic entities
1895 items
3781 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
359 |
The foramen lacerum consists of external and internal fissures.
5101 |
Although the terms Spatium subdurale and Spatium epidurale/extradurale are in common usage, under normal conditions the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there are no naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the skull (Haines DE 1991 On the question of a subdural space. Anat Rec 230:3-21; Van Denabeele F, Creemans J, Lambrichts I 1996 Ultrastructure of the human spinal arachnoid mater and dura mater. J Anat (Lond) 189:417-430).
5102 |
See note # 5101
6008 |
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
6053 |
Lateral to the Sulcus olfactorius, there are two longitudinally directed sulci, the Sulcus orbitalis medialis and the Sulcus orbitalis lateralis, which are joined together by the Sulcus orbitalis transversus to form the impression of an H or a K pattern (Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). The cingulate sulcus continues around the rostrum of the corpus callosum, where it is also known as the Sulcus rostralis superior. This sulcus may continue as the Sulcus rostralis inferior, which separates the straight gyrus from the medial surface of the frontal lobe.
6935 |
The Facies anterior of the iris has been subdivided into a Zona pupillaris and a Zona ciliaris, separated by the Catella or collarette (based on Geneser F 1986 Textbook of Histology. Munksgaard, Copenhagen).
7175 |
In the retrotympanum, lateral and medial spaces relative to the facial nerve and pyramidal eminences were defined: lateral, the sinus facialis and the sinus tympanicus lateralis; medial, the sinus tympanicus posterior and the sinus tympanicus.
7187 |
See note # 7175
7258 |
In ENT Surgery, the Macula cribrosa superior is known as 'Mike's dot' (after Michael E. Glasscock). It is an important landmark for translabyrinthine resection of an acoustic neurinoma.
8208 |
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani posterioris; via the apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae tympani anterioris, the chorda tympani enters the anterior tympanic canaliculus (see also TA98, A02.1.06.011 canaliculus chordae tympani)
8380 |
See note # 8208
8659 |
The Sulcus frontomarginalis (Frontomarginal sulcus of Wernicke) is an important landmark in the frontal polar region (Duvernoy HM 1992 Le cerveau humain. Springer, Paris; Tamraz JC, Comair YG 2006 Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York), and used as such in the DTI literature (Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
8667 |
See note # 8666
8668 |
See note # 8666
8679 |
See note # 6053
8680 |
See note # 6053
8681 |
See note # 6053
8735 |
See note # 6071
8756 |
The Sulcus intrarhinalis (Intrarhinal sulcus) is found between the Ambient gyrus and the Entorhinal cortex (see Duvernoy 1992; Insausti and Amaral 2012).
8780 |
See note # 5996
8781 |
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
8782 |
See note # 8781
9122 |
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
11139 |
On the visceral surface of the liver two perpendicular depressions are found, the fissura sagittalis dextra and sinistra. They are connected by the porta hepatis, forming an H-like figure.
11141 |
See note # 11139
14059 |
The clinical term retrotympanum has been added for the posterior part of the mesotympanum.
14078 |
See note # 7175
14079 |
See note # 7175
16159 |
The Facies medialis pulmonis is divided into a Pars vertebralis, a Pars mediastinalis and a Cardiac impression following NA3 (1966).
17045 |
The medial meniscotibial or medial coronary ligament
17208 |
New term suggested by Foijtik P, Kašper Š, Bartonicek J, Tucek M, Nanka O. Surg Radiol Anat 2023; 45:255-262.
Signature |
Type of list | T1F |
List Unit Identifier | 10127 |
Date: 08.01.2025 |